And the white, male record executives who promote and push this crap out big time...and the minstrels (rappers, so-called singers) who perform a lot of that to the white suburban kids who love this sheet...even though most have never met nor conversed with a person of color in their life. Then when they take over the keys to the executive washroom from daddy, uncle, whoever...and they see a face of color...they pre-suppose that person is from the thug life (yah, think?).
I'd argue because Jay-Z and his ilk rap, sing and glorify about "jacking us and our families", "dissing our women", "drug-dealing and drug-abusing", "skipping school," etc. that they contribute to the morass of our communities. Instead of educating themselves and being productive members of society and their communities (I'd like to see the educational bios on most of these hip hop artists...I'll even lower the bar and give GED candidates a pass!) they choose to glorify the negative, which in fact perpetuates it to the young and impressionable, and thus they serve as negative role-models IMHO. They can make their millions out of their modern day minstrelsy and negativity but I ain't buying it and certainly not elevating it!
This is America and the hip hop crowd is entitled and has the right to perform what they want to perform (I'm a big First Amendment kind of guy)...but I'm not buying the product nor the excuses, rationalizations and so-called justifications for the bile and violence that is spewed. Dyson has found his ship to sail on...and cha-ching...he's taking his doubloons all the way to the bank!