Sunday, May 22, 2011

Were You ATLB ? (Among Those Left behind)

We have now passed the May 21st, 6pm doomsday deadline, in all time zones around the world.  If you are a Christian and reading this, you've been  'Left Behind' and not 'Raptured'....

The 200,000,000 (two-hundred million) or so that were presumably 'raptured', have left some unintended benefits for us...

- less usage of fossil fuels like oil and gasoline, thus lowering the carbon footprint..

- more job openings available for us, thus lowering the unemployment rate..

- less demand for food, clothing, transportation and housing, thus softening the market, lowering the demand, and hopefully lowering prices..

- I could go on and on, but you get the picture...

....also notable 'Christians' like George Bush, Rev. John Hagee, Hal Lindsay, Sarah Palin, Rev. Franklin Graham, George Romney, Glen Beck, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Scalia, Paul Crouch, etc.,  are presumably among those millions who just floated upward and out of this sphere - for this we can all say amen, hallelujah and good riddance!

note: unfortunately, some non-Christians like Michael Savage, Charles Krauthammer, Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, and assorted other infidels, are still  here, but we'll continue to deal with them as best we can....

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Bin Laden: Dead or Alive??

Folks, Does it really matter whether he's dead or alive?

Now that we have been told there will be no confirming pictures, and the body has been disposed of at sea, we will have to trust the veracity of the Administration regarding his death. Many Americans also trusted Bush's bogus WMD claims, and that got us nothing but into an expensive and genocidal Iraqi quagmire....

Also I'm not persuaded by a reported DNA match, since he had 50 other brothers and sisters who also shared the same DNA...Also if he was worth a quarter of a billion dollars as he is reported to be, it doesn't make sense he would choose a location where he would be a sitting-duck waiting to be captured or killed. If I were a near-billionaire as he was, I would want the world to believe I had been killed, so I could continue to live undisturbed somewhere else in the world...

Regardless, the fact remains that Al Qaeda is highly decentralized and no single death is going to shut it down.

But the symbolism of his alleged death is significant, and Obama handled and acquitted himself very presidentially throughout the operation.

Apparently most of the rest of the world also believes he is dead, so whether he really is or not, makes it a moot point.

So once again we are asked to trust....but not verify....

If I were Bin Laden and still alive somewhere, I would say....Mission Accomplished!...