Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Barack Obama

Having announced his intention to run for the Democratic nomination for president, Obama poses a unique challenge to his opponents and detractors.

How far he will get remains to be seen, but along the way, he will prove to be a candidate that is head and shoulders above the candidacies of Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton, and even those of Al Gore and John Kerry.

Already it's clear that although he is Black and looks Black, he transcends his race and the Black label, and attempts to racialize him and marginalize him, as they did with Shirley, Jessie and Al, have been fruitless so far.

He's even shown the fire in his belly, when he promptly responded to the recent attempt to 'swift boat' him, unlike the passive non-response by Kerry when he was similarly attacked in 2004.

The dilemma for his opponents and detractors is, how do you attack him on other than the substance of his message? I'm sure they will try, but I don't think they will be very successful.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's All About S. P. & C.

S. P. & C. stands for Supremacy, Profits, and Control - I maintain that these were and are, the main objectives of the Bushites. They are not the stumbling incompetents that many think they are, neither are they idiots in disarray, nor deluded.

I say, rather, that they are B. A. N. E., (brilliant, amoral, noxious and evil), and have achieved many of their main objectives in the Middle East, while disingenuously calling it 'spreading democracy', 'war on terror', 'fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here', and other false flag descriptions. This is done so the public deluded by Fox 'news' - CNN - CBS - NBC - ABC, does not catch on to the real game and prize.

The Military Industrial Complex who is one of their main sponsors, has made billions mostly with no-bid contracts;
- they now control the 2nd largest reserves of oil in the world along with a higher world price for oil;
- they have executed Saddam before he could squeal and detail his unholy earlier connections with us, and all the WMDs we gave him for his war against the Kurds and Iran;
- they now have built the largest US embassy in the world along with permanent military bases throughout Iraq;
- they have functional control of both governments in Iraq and Afghanistan and have occupying forces in each country;
- there is now unimagined chaos and all-out sectarian violence in Iraq, which gives them an argument for remaining with a 'surge' in troops rather than a withdrawal;
- they are now poised to go after Iran which has the 3rd largest reserves of oil in the world.

Considering just these events, I would say they have been very successful. This is true whether you agree with them or not, or whether you point out that they have just lost both houses of Congress as a repudiation of their agenda, or whether you decry as I do, the horrific collateral costs in American and Iraqi lives and the billions in dollars it has already cost us so far.

All this goes to underscore my point - 'It's all about S. P. & C.'

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Lucky or Unlucky?

Just a few days ago, a popular and talented Denver Broncos football player, was killed in a stretch Limo with darkened windows as it traveled along a Denver street. He was killed instantly by a single shot to his neck by a drive-by shooter, firing randomly and blindly into his limo.

It got me to wonder - was he unlucky to be killed, or would he have been lucky if the shot had missed him? Some would say both. The outcomes are equally true.... maybe, but I'm rapidly moving to the opinion that his time was merely up, and he was neither lucky nor unlucky.

When you consider how easily you can be killed by a host of silly reasons, even when you are doing the right thing, ranging from an improbable fall in your own home, to being hit by a vehicle while crossing the street in a crosswalk, you begin to wonder how does the issue of being unlucky play into all this. I don't think it does - life is precious and priceless, yet it can be lost so easily. I can't think of any other priceless entity, that can be lost as easily, as quickly and as finally as life can be.

This leads me to conclude, that the giver of life, who I believe is God, is also He who allows the life that He gave, to be taken. It makes much more sense to me, to believe that something as precious, priceless and irreplaceable as life, once given, can not be lost like the luck of the draw at some Las Vegas gaming table.

So I believe that my birth was not lucky nor accidental nor an afterthought, and my death will not be either. I know that I have been placed here for a purpose, and I will leave here ONLY when that purpose has ended.

I start off this year of 2007, secure in my knowledge of a Divine plan for my life now, and a Divine plan for my life in the future, when my life here has ended.

I couldn't ask for a better deal than this!