Thursday, October 28, 2010

Whom Do You Trust...In?

Next Tuesday is being billed as the real referendum on President Obama's 21 months in office. During this time he has been slandered as a communist, socialist, anarchist, anti-colonialist, fascist, racist, Kenyan, anti-American, anti-freedom loving, Anti-Christ, interloper and usurper of the office of the President. The other names he has been called, can easily fill this page if they were to be all listed.

If the MSM pundits are to believed, he has earned a dismal C- on his report card, his poll numbers are at an all-time low, and he will be rebuked by his party's loss of control in both the House and the Senate. This is their view in spite of the fact that he has accomplished more legislatively, and in the shortest amount of time, than any previous president in our history.

Yet amid all the Repugnant obstructionism to his policies, their treachery in opposing life saving programs like National Health Care for all citizens, their opposition to extending unemployment benefits to suffering families, etc., it appears that the majority of white Americans will stupidly and ignorantly choose to return control again to the party that savaged and disbanded their middle class status, especially during the 20 yr. reign of the Reagan, Bush I and Bush II regimes. How stupid is that???

And as much as blacks are constantly maligned and marginalized as worthless simpletons, at least they have had the intelligence and smarts to vote consistently and overwhelmingly for those leaders who had their best middle-class interests at heart. In my lifetime that would be Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, and Obama.

Next week blacks will again vote overwhelmingly for President Obama and the Dems as the best bet to fix the wreckage left behind by Bush and his band of war criminals. We'll see how many so-called superior whites and their Asian and Latino allies, will be smart enough to also vote in their best interests, or will they hasten their own destruction by voting for and installing a host of ignorant Tea-bagging anarchists and racists to govern them instead.

60 million of them choose the pathetic, moronic duo of Palin and McCain in 2008, how many will vote next week for imbeciles similar to or worst than these two?

I guess in a few days we'll find out how smart they really are....

And in spite of them, I can't forget that Jesus prayed, "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven..."

This is who and what I trust in, no matter what they do at the polls next week...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Tangled Web of Sexual Offenders

I just wrote about the porn-based sexual harassment of Anita Hill by Clarence Thomas, and his wife's recent attempt to extort an admission from Hill that she lied on her husband.

The ink was barely dry when NPR analyst, Juan Williams, tried to pander to Fox's right-wing nuts via the O'Reilly show, and say that he has this fear of anyone dressed as a Muslim when he travels. Besides it being a punkish, idiotic and stupid thing to say in trying to gin-up anti-Muslim fervor, it also reminded me that not only has Juan been a right-wing ideologue masquerading as a liberal for many years, but he too has a checkered past that intersects with Clarence Thomas around the same time of his confirmation hearings in the early 90s.

Just after the hearings started, Juan wrote an Op-Ed in the Washington Post accusing Anita Hill of lying about being sexually harassed by his buddy, Clarence Thomas. What he and the Post failed to disclose, was that he had just been accused of the same kind of sexual harassment by 50 of his female colleagues at the Washington Post newspaper where they worked. To keep his job he was forced to write an apology which was printed in the paper. So his attack on Hill on Clarence Thomas' behalf was bogus, disingenuous and self-serving. He like Thomas were two peas in a pod when it came to the unwanted acts of sexually harassing females.

So his firing from NPR for violating his contract terms prohibiting him from appearing on Fox programs while being identified as an NPR analyst, was justified and long over due. Not only was he justly fired from NPR, but he should never have been hired by them in the first place, considering his sordid background. He also should have been fired from the Washington Post 20 years ago, for a far more serious lack of good judgment. Is it a coincidence that his present and past misbehavior have come to light again, around the same time that his buddy's sordid past has been uncovered and exposed to the light again? - I think not!

...Let's just call it well-deserved Karma for both of them, that was way past and long over-due! They both should be listed as registered sex offenders in the National Database which tracks those things.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Cheating Thomas? - No Doubt!

Apparently old uncle Thomas did! - not only did Anita Hill testify to the kinky fetishes and sexual harassment by the married head of the EEOC, but now 19 years later, a former girlfriend who admits she was intimate with him, believes every word of Anita's testimony and corroborates it. She also remembers his obsession with porn and his fixation on the bra sizes of his female employees. He even had her come to the EEOC offices to check out Anita Hill, perhaps as a prelude to a future 3-way group orgy that he was fantasizing about.

This is the black slime ball that Papa Bush nominated and installed to replace the venerable and scholarly Thurgood Marshall, on the Supreme Court. A black face, with a lust to be white, married to a white woman, and sexually harassing black women - this was the wreckage that blacks were insulted with and affronted with as a replacement for Marshall. This was the right-wing's middle-finger to blacks and the progress won by the Civil Rights movement that Thurgood was so much a part of, and responsible for the legal side of.

It would not be a stretch to believe that his wife Ginny, either made that call to Anita because of her Tea-bagging hatred of blacks in general and Anita in particular, or to embarrass her cheater husband, or because she was in an alcoholic stupor early in the morning of last Saturday. How else can you explain such an unseemly and ill-conceived phone call threat, by the wife of one of the justices of the Supreme Court?

Yea, uncle Thomas, you thought you got away with denying what happened, and you thought that your depraved history of porn-fueled sexual harassment would never catch up with you, but your wife opened the door for all the world to see and remember. Perhaps she tired of your kinky fixations and can no longer measure up to them nor tolerate them anymore. Or perhaps her Tea bagging activities requires her to 'out' the nearest negro as part of their racist mind-set and agenda. So tag, you're it! - Yes, maybe that's it!...

With these latest revelations, the Senate body which confirmed him, should now consider charging him with perjury and lying under oath. Then they should impeach him and remove him from the bench. But alas, Harry Reid doesn't have the cojones to buck the right-wingers in the Senate, so they won't do anything. It also would be nice if Thomas had the inner decency and integrity to resign since he's been exposed as a liar and a pervert, but that won't happen either.

So we're stuck with him for the short term, unless or until the Higher Power decides to remove him permanently - let's hope and pray for that....