Saturday, September 18, 2010

Palin for Pres.???? - lol !

From her reckless but admitted insistence on traveling by air from Texas to Alaska AFTER her water broke; to the down-syndrome child that was born and that she claims is hers, but others believe it secretly belongs to her abstinent daughter; to her ranting about abstinence-only for others, while this same 16 yr. old daughter was getting f****d and pregnant, AGAIN; to her astonishing revelation that she doesn't read newspapers; to her incoherent speech patterns that highlights how ignorant she really is; to her insistence on being interviewed only by fawning, sympathetic enablers like Fox faux-News; to her appalling ignorance of the fact that Africa is a Continent composed of over 40 countries, rather than being just one country; to her quitting her job as Governor of Alaska, midway through her term of office; to the large deficit she ran up and left to her city of Wasila while she was Mayor - this is the laughable, lip-sticked face of the TeaParty Express and would-be candidate for President, in 2012.

America is rightfully the laughing-stock of the world after this nut-job garnered 60 million votes as VP on one of the worst presidential pairings in over 100 years of political campaigns. Now to think that to millions and millions, she is still considered a credible, viable presidential candidate, is beyond comprehension, but illustrates that being a racist, being pathetically and pitifully ignorant, and being a sociopath and pathological liar as well, are notable christian virtues to her many supporters - ask Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Beck, how well it has worked for them.