Friday, July 04, 2008

A $400 Million Shill

On this day of independence, it is interesting to note how dependant many pundits are, on the largess of the Repugs for following the party line. They all have noted with envy, the contract Rush Limbaugh just signed with Clear Channel, to continue shilling eight more years for the Repugs, and deny all the obvious signs that this republic is sinking like the Titanic, thanks to BushCo and their mis-rule. His contract averages out to $45,000 each hour he broadcasts.

At least Limbaugh is just a talk-show entertainer, and not a newsman, but there are a host of 'newsmen' who openly side with the Repugs and their worldview, while supposedly broadcasting unbiased news. To name just a few; Scott Simon - NPR; Mark Shields - PBS; Liz Sedoti - AP; David Broder - Wash. Post; Jack Tapper - ABCnews; Sam Donaldson - ABC; Chris Matthews - MSNBC Hardball; Sean Hannity - Fox; Brit Hume - Fox, etc., all report biasedly, and at times openly, to favor the Repugs and to ensure their staying in the good graces of the Repugs, who pay handsomely, as demonstrated by Limbaugh's contract.

So much for the principles of independence, fairness, balance, accuracy in reporting, all of which this country supposedly separated itself from the British Crown for.

This is the 'independence' that Obama is up against, as he gamely strives to get balanced reporting on his campaign and platform issues. It's already clear that this is not going to happen - not if our news persons have anything to do with it.

From this 4th of July onward, it's going to get much worse.