Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary's Coronation???

I'm watching the coronation of someone who supposedly lost to Obama, but is acting in fact, like she won instead of him. The 10 min. video would have been more than enough homage with it's greatest hits theme, but there also had to be a 5 min. standing ovation with a sea of Hillary presidential signs displayed, even before getting to her speech.

I'm wondering if Obama and his people knew all the details of this planned upstaging, but yet still signed off on this circus. Did he want the presidency so badly that he was willing to pay this humiliating price to gain her verbal but actually, marginal support??

I'm not convinced in the least that she fully supports his nomination, in fact it sounds more like she was presumptuously dictating what programs he should enact if he should gain the office of the presidency.

She gave perfunctory short shrift to the McCain/Bush disastrous candidacy. IMHO, the bulk of her speech should have been spent skewering him and pointing out his madness and failed politics, rather than acting like the presumed candidate whose nomination was stolen by Barack.

I thought it was a thoroughly narcissistic, self-congratulatory screed, without any apology for the demeaning things she said about Obama during the primary. She sent the message that the wrong candidate won, and she should have been nominated instead. And no apology was made for making statements that McCain can and will surely use in ads to bolster his case against Obama. Tomorrow her other half will probably continue her coronation while also indulging in self-congratulations for his presidency in the 90s.

I predict that Billary will net far more from this evening than Obama will, and it's his fault for allowing it.

If Obama loses in November, this upstaging won't be the only reason, but will be a major reason why he lost.