Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Let Me Be Clear - I Am Not Gay...." proclaims Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho, screaming in a loud voice as if the louder he claims his innocence, the more believable he would be. He is nothing but another in a long list of repugnant homophobes, caught-up in his own hypocritical, self-described, "moral failure".

The party of so-called 'family values', perhaps should really be called the 'gay odd party' (G.O.P.), some of whom troll in the nastiest, sleaziest venues, because they are trying to keep their closeted sex lives hidden from their wives, children and the public. This is not the first time for Craig - he also was part of the senate page sex scandal a few years ago, and was also accused of illicit sexual activity with another man at Union Train Station in Wash. D.C.

Craig also had the gaul to castigate Bill Clinton, while his own moral failings were ongoing. He now joins David Dreier, Mark Foley, Jim McCrery, Ed Schrock, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Baker, Henry Hyde, Jim Livingston, Newt Ginrich, and a long list of other gay and straight repugnants, who can't live up to their own self-proclaimed ideals. It's also ironic and significant, that the repugnants are having their 2008 convention in Minneapolis, where Craig just got busted in the airport's public restroom.

Maybe he was doing an advance scouting trip for his party's deviants.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"....If I Did It....."

There is no question that O.J. Simpson is not the brightest light in the night, nor the sharpest knife in the drawer (no pun intended). His myriad gaffes ranging from leaving his wife and children for a blond bimbo teenager, his wasting of his millions in supporting her and her extended family, his opening up of his home to assorted strangers, hangers- ons, and neer-do-wells like Kato Kaelin, his ill-advised Bronco chase after his wife's murder, and even after his narrowly escaping the gas chamber for her murder, his continuing to have a succession of more white bimbos in his life in his Floridian exile.

You would think that he could not possibly shoot himself in the foot any worst than he already has - until he wrote this book "..If I Did It...", a so-called fictional account of how he would have done the killings if he were guilty. This is when I thought - hey wait a minute! - this guy can't be this stupid! Why write something that most people will surely believe is his true confession rather than a mere fictional account?

Then it occurred to me - maybe OJ is not as stupid as he seems, but is really as sly as a fox!

Why do I say this? Because he had to know that the greedy Fred Goldman was seeking to grab every bit of income he could receive in order to satisfy the wrongful death judgment levied against him in California. So writing a book (and getting a sizeable advance that he probably has already spent or hidden) with a provocative title that had the likelihood of being a notorious best seller through clever marketing on the tv and talk-show circuits, and having the revenues grabbed by Goldman and the Browns to satisfy the judgment, would be an ideal and easy way to satisfy the judgment without any personal cost to himself - particularly if he really did it! And wouldn't you know it, from the reported pre-orders for the book, it now appears that it will be a runaway best seller when it is finally released!
(Of course, I definitely will not be contributing to the enrichment of the tacky and tasteless Goldmans and Browns on the backs of their murdered loved ones)
If this makes as much sense to you as it does to me, we might have to say that old OJ may have pulled another one out of his bag of tricks, and just freed himself from some heavy, unwanted financial pressures - maybe he gets the last laugh after all!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Dogged Justice

So Michael Vick pleaded guilty today and has become a felon. He is guilty of extreme cruelty to animals, and as a dog lover, I am saddened by his lack of judgment that brought him to this point.

He stood at the podium and made the obligatory, contrite, mea culpa that he was expected to make. Many of his tormentors however, are saying that they refuse to accept his apologies no matter what he says, and that's an indicator of how deep their racist antipathies go. They are also predicting that he will never play again, because his sins are too horrible to be forgiven by them.

Unlike most of white America who is dancing with glee at his personal and financial predicament and his fall from grace, I am predicting that he will return to the NFL and play even better than he has so far. I also note that what he did, is MINOR compared to the cruelty of racist whites towards thousands of blacks who have been tortured and lynched in this country, without even an indictment, a prosecution or a conviction of the perpetrators. These are the real crimes that those piling on Vick should be exercised about, yet I see no demonstrations, no denunciations, no calls for castrations or electrocutions of the perpetrators, many of whom are still alive and walking around.

Am I playing the race card? If I am, so what! Virtually everything concerning blacks in America is about race. This case is just one of hundreds that exposes the hypocrisy of many in America who lie about it not being about race. They lie so glibly and facilely, while ignoring and saying nothing about the $2 billion dog racing business operated by whites, who also yearly brutalize and kill thousands of dogs who have underperformed and become expendable.

8/29 news update: Leona Helmsley just left a $12 million trust fund to care for her dog, named Trouble. For 2 of her 4 grandchildren she left $5 million each, for 2 others, she left nothing! This sick billionaire, loved her dog more than her own flesh and blood.
Had she been a slaveowner, she certainly would have treated her dogs better than her slaves. And had she lived, no doubt she would have been among those calling for Vick to be electrocuted for his cruelty to dogs. This underscores the scope of the dementia so pervasive in the insane minds of the American public which dares to judge Vick so harshly.

As many have done before him, Vick will rise from the ashes of his crucifixion and hopefully go on to a productive life. Meanwhile, America remains wallowing in the cesspool of its failed, hypocritical justice system, which is scorned and universally held in contempt by the international community.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vietniraq - a Bad Analogy?

Yesterday, the president who was appointed by the Supreme Court in 2000, made a dishonest comparison linking the war in Iraq to Vietnam. The only similarity is that both were entered under false pretenses - in Vietnam it was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, in Iraq it was the Authorization for War that was granted by congress in response to his false allegations of WMDs which were never found.

In 2004, he said that Iraq should never be compared to Vietnam because it sends the wrong message to our troops and to our enemy. Now he has flipped-flopped and has contradicted himself shamelessly.

To now say that we lost the war in Vietnam because we did not stay long enough (even after staying 10 years and losing 60,000 soldiers), is an insult, both to those who died and to those who served, which he and his V.P. did not do. To say that we must stay in Iraq in order not to lose as we did in Vietnam, is the height of insanity and one more evidence of a deranged mind.

To say there will be a bloodbath if we leave now, ignores the fact that we should have not entered in the first place. All occupations when ended, usually leaves a vacuum that is filled by a struggle for control by competing factions. That is not an excuse to stay and compound the original illegal action.

These are some of his desperate ploys designed to buy more time to maximize the profits of his war profiteer friends. It is also designed to extend the time to enable the oil oligarchies to get their prized oil leases from the Iraqi parliament, which has been one of the main objectives of this occupation.

Fortunately, we can see through this obfuscation and remain committed to ending this illegal, immoral, obscenely costly, occupation.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To Snitch, Or Not To Snitch

Much has been, and is being said, about the t-shirts some rappers and others are wearing with the advice, "Stop Snitching". I've heard mostly white critics, pontificating about how terrible it is that black neighborhood residents are refusing to help the police solve murders and other crimes, by obeying and conforming to this code of silence. They also point out that it is an indication of the severe dysfunction of blacks, that they will allow killers and other criminals to walk freely in their communities, possibly to continue committing more crimes.

What has never been said, and should be said, is that the main reason for the reticence of community residents, is the almost certain prospect of deadly reprisals against the snitcher and possibly even their families. The police either won't or can't, protect the snitcher, saying that they don't have the resources that would be necessary to provide this protection. So they want snitchers to help them do their jobs, but they don't want to protect the snitchers who would be risking their lives in the process of helping them.

Critics of the black community, conveniently forget that this code of silence, has been in force for years in other communities, particularly in the Italian and Irish communities in my home city of New York, and in other cities like Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Miami etc. The organized crime elements in these cities, makes no bones about the certainty of reprisals against snitchers, and there have been hundreds of highly publicized reprisal murders, to underscore their point. Everyone understands this, and no one criticizes the beleaguered white residents of these communities who remain silent about the crimes they witness in their communities.

When is the last time you heard of a policeman breaking the 'blue code of silence' and snitching on other cops? How often does a Mafia don snitch to the authorities on other capos? What about the cover-up in the outing of CIA operative, Valerie Plame. I say that not snitching is as American as apple pie, motherhood and the flag.

So why are black community residents being held to a different standard, particularly in light of those who have already suffered reprisals, because of the failure of the police to provide for their protection. I'm certain that the black community would fully cooperate with the police as soon as they got serious about providing the protection from reprisals that is mandatory. One idea is the establishment of a neighborhood witness protection program, similar to that which exists on the federal level. However, it will require additional resources which they have already said, are not available.

What's the point of snitching, if it means you will endanger, or perhaps lose your own life in the process? Snitching won't start, until the protection for the snitchers and their families is assured. That's always been true in white communities, and is no less true, in black communities.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Feeding from the Same Trough

I've written about this before, but it bears repeating because so many Democrats seem to be ignorant of how their party really works. All the talk-shows are awash with frustrated callers who can't understand why the democratic leadership, refuses to stand up to Bush and continues to give him everything he wants. What they are forgetting, is that the SAME special interests that fund the Repugnants, are the SAME who fund the campaigns of key democrats. It costs $5-8 million for a representative to stand for election every 2 years, and it costs $14-17 million for a senator to stand for election every 6 years. Most of this money can only be supplied by well-heeled corporate interests and wealthy PACS. Accordingly, those who supply the campaign funds, also control the votes of those they have funded.

Two prime funders are the Military Industrial Complex, composed of various defense contractors, and the wealthy and influential pro-Israel lobby. Both of these interests desperately want the US to remain in Iraq, and also both want Iran to be attacked along with Syria and Jordan. For the M.I.C., it's hugely profitable for them if we remain in the middle east. For Israel, they want the US to attack and neutralize all their enemies. A reading of the Israeli newspapers, shows that their citizens overwhelmingly supported our invasion of Iraq, and overwhelmingly want us to attack Iran etc. So the lobbyists for these interests, ensures that the right congresspersons are funded so that their objectives can be attained.

It's as simple as saying - 'follow the money'. This then will explain the seeming reluctance to resist Bush and company, by the dems leadership. They are following the orders of their funders - not the will of their constituents, because their votes have been bought and paid for. They are not spineless wimps, instead they are following the orders of their patrons. Once this is understood, then their reluctance and lack of action can be clearly understood.

Congress has been hijacked by special interests, while maintaining a facade of being representatives of 'we, the people'.

Selective Indignation

Today Michael Vick copped a plea in an attempt to minimize jail time and other penalties that are sure to come. He realized that in spite of his constitutional presumption of innocence, most of America has already tried and convicted him, and it would be impossible to get a fair trial on the merits of the case, so the only other alternative was to cop a plea. Despite all of her lofty sounding ideals, America has once again proven that she is full of talk, without regard to really true justice. It is also still sadly true, that for many whites, a black man has no rights that a white man is bound to respect.

The anti-Vick rhetoric has been so selective, hateful and vitriolic, it reminded me of the racist orgy of words and actions, that spewed forth during the OJ case. Black people are apparently the only ones who truly believe in the constitution and it's principles, which is amazing given how little regard the constitution has had for them since day one of their arrival in this country. This is why many blacks are supporting Vick, not because they believe he is innocent, but because they want him to be treated fairly and appropriately and at least have the presumed innocence he deserves.

Many of these haters think nothing of snaring a fish and watching him die gasping for breath on the bottom of their boat; or using a high-powered rifle to kill an unsuspecting deer so they can have a macho trophy for their living room wall; or supporting a war in which the distinguished British medical journal, Lancet, says upwards of 1,000,000 Iraqis has been murdered during our uninvited occupation of their country. Their indignation is targeted and selective because a black quarterback from the projects, has already broken records such as the first black quarterback selected as #1 in the draft, has the richest contract in the league, is the first quarterback to rush for 1,000 yds. in a season - all of this is way too much for so many, that the dog allegations are as good as any that can be latched onto to bring him down. If it wasn't dogs, they would latch on to any other cause that they could safely hide behind.

Many whites feel that they did Vick a favor by rescuing him from the projects, and allowing him to be a first-pick pro quarterback with the richest contract, ever. Their racist paternalistic minds can't understand how he could betray them and be so unappreciative of all the largess they bestowed on him. They feel that he has instead rewarded them with thuggish, brutish, bad behavior, and brought shame and disrepute on their hallowed game of football. And he has disgraced himself and abdicated the model minority role that they wanted him to star in, and be the poster boy for. These are some of the same whites who sided a few years ago with arch-racist, Rush Limbaugh, when he claimed black quarterbacks got undeserved special treatment and acclaim in the NFL.

This is one of many particularly vicious attacks by a sportswriter - this one was written by someone in the Fox faux news network. Clearly he values the lives of dogs over the life of a young black man who has made a costly mistake. He appears to be salivating like the famous dogs of Pavlov's experiments, at the thought of permanently ridding the world of Michael Vick. He appears to be more beastly than what he accuses Vick of being - judge for yourself.,2933,293854,00.html

Does anyone besides me see why Vick and other athletes, might possibly identify with dogfighting, because they too are valued based on their size, strength and ferocity, they are thrown into an arena to perform, and are sold and transported across state lines when a better price can be received for themselves, and then they are discarded when hurt or too old to perform anymore. What they do to dogs, is an interesting parallel to what is done to them.
If I was making a list of the most heinous crimes, I'm pretty sure that dog-fighting wouldn't crack the top 100. A rational person without an agenda, doesn't erupt in faked outrage like so many are doing in this case, particularly since they remain silent about much more serious abuses of dogs. This is what the Boston Globe had to say about legal dog abuse: "The California-based Greyhound Protection League estimates that in the two decades from 1986-2005, 606,633 dogs from the industry were killed: 184,604 puppies judged to be inferior for racing and 421,129 after their "careers" ended, usually by 4 years old. Things are nowhere as bad as they once were. In its worst years, critics said greyhound racing was death row for dogs. The Web site of the Greyhound Racing Association of America says that the peak year for the sport was 1992, when $3.5 billion was bet at more than 50 tracks. That year happened to come right at the end of a frenzied era in which, according to the Greyhound Protection League, between 42,000 and 58,000 dogs were killed in the search for winners. There is no difference between this and what Vick did, other than that dogfighting is illegal and greyhound racing remains legal in many states. For his depraved hobby, Vick will be shamed with prison stripes, while Greyhound racing, despite its primitive exploitation of dogs, remains a $2 billion business."

Vick has wisely pleaded, perhaps just to salvage something from the nightmare of American racism being directed at him. It appears that this is the only alternative that will allow him to cut his losses and go on with what's left of his life. The moral of this story for all black athletes - don't buy the hype of sports adulation and celebrity that is given and just as quickly, can be snatched away. Jack Johnson, O.J. Simpson, Barry Bonds and now Vick and so many, many others, can attest to this.

Hopefully Vick socked away some of the millions in salary and endorsements that he has already received, that will enable him to ride out this racist storm.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What Does Burge and Vick Have in Common?

Most have not heard of Jon Burge, the Chicago police commander who was fired after it was determined that he and his officers had tortured a total of 146 African-Americans over a 20-year time span. A Chicago newspaper reported on the testimony of a retired black police officer as follows:

"Retired Chicago police officer William Parker told a chilling story to the city council's police and fire committee. In 1973, as one of a handful of African-American detectives, he sat at a desk at Area Two Headquarters typing a report.
"I heard a bloodcurdling outcry, the likes of which I'd never heard before," Parker said.
He told aldermen how he followed the sound into a nearby lieutenant's office.
"I saw seated on the floor in front of me, a male, black, with his pants and shorts pulled down to his knees and his right hand handcuffed to the radiator. Standing over him was Jon Burge. To Burge's right were two other white detectives."
Parker had stumbled into an apparent torture scene, orchestrated by Burge, the Chicago cop accused of beating and shocking confessions out of scores of black suspects for almost 20 years.
"He was whimpering in pain, crying, moaning, obviously in pain," Parker said.
Parker says he was ordered out of the room, and several months later was demoted to patrolman. He waited until he left the force to talk about it. "When the hammer came down on me, there was nobody to go to. Nobody wanted to hear anything I had to say," he said.

The council committee is struggling to find a way for the city to stop paying for Burge's legal fees. One estimate suggests the cost so far for defending Burge and his fellow accused officers is more than $10 million.
Burge was first accused of torture by cop killer Andrew Wilson in 1982. Wilson was so badly beaten after capture he was sent to the jail hospital instead of a cell.
Wilson won a civil case against the city in the alleged torture allegations, which led to Burge’s termination in 1993.

In all, 146 African-American men accused Burge and his subordinates of torture, which included beatings, use of cattle prods, suffocations with typewriter covers, and use of a black box to electrically shock genitals, ears, and lips."

Burge is accused of torturing humans while Vic is accused of torturing dogs. There has been no national outcry by PETA nor non-stop messages calling for Burge's electrocution, castration, or lynching, perhaps because he is white and his victims were black. In fact, after being fired, he was allowed to retire and draw his pension, and has been living comfortably in Florida since then. The scant notice paid to this story versus the orgy of Michael Vick denunciations by every media source, confirms that the public believes Vick who was cruel to dogs, committed a far more heinous crime than Burge, who was cruel to humans.

To the many who say race has nothing to do with the Vick case - you are liars!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Race in Jena, and the Race for the Presidency

As these articles note, the racist underpinnings of this country, are once again being exposed in Jena, La.

This supports my contention that America has made little progress from it's racist past. I am virtually alone in this pessimistic assessment, because most Blacks prefer to tout how much racial progress has been made, and most Whites tend to deny there is still a racial problem. I say progress is mostly an illusion and most of the racism has gone underground, but is nowhere close to being eliminated.

There is no way something as outrageous as this perversion of justice in Louisiana, could slip under the radar of the white national media if America was not racist to it's core. Also the fact that it is only starting to come to light now because of the concentrated grass-root efforts of civil rights groups, further proves my point.

Race in Jena has a parallel in the race for the presidency, because I believe that the Democratic party will not select Obama as it's standard bearer, both because of it's own hidden racial ambivalence, and because they know that the majority of whites/Latinos/Asians will not elect a good Black Democrat, over a despicable White Republican. As a matter of fact, I don't believe Obama will even get the V.P. nod on the party ticket.

It's also interesting that Magic Johnson, Quincy Jones and other prominent Blacks in business/entertainment, have just publicly announced their support for Hillary Clinton. As businessmen, they probably know the reality of racial politics in America, and are hitching their star to a contender that has a real chance of getting the Democratic party nomination.

The Fix Is In!

As a follow-up to my 7/21 blog on the NBA referee scandal, today Donaghy pleaded guilty to 2 felony counts of providing 'picks' on the outcome of games he officiated. There was no admission nor mention of him fixing those games and affecting the outcome of them, and apparently he is not being charged with that. "In determining his picks for NBA games, Donaghy admitted that he relied on nonpublic and other information to which he had unique access by virtue of his position as an NBA referee. That information included his knowledge of the officiating crews for upcoming NBA games, the interactions between certain referees and certain players and team personnel."

The DOJ press release further said, that approximately 4 years ago, Donaghy started betting on NBA games, including games he officiated. The fact that this had been going on for at least 4 years without the league noticing something was fishy, gives the lie to Stern's boasting that his referees are the most scrutinized and monitored among all professional referees.

But the big elephant in the living room is that, when the games he officiated in 2006-07 are examined, the betting on 15 of them that moved the point-spread by at least 1.5 points, beat the Las Vegas line 15 out of 15 times and resulted in big wins for those who gambled on them! The odds of this happening randomly, are 32,768 to 1.

Also starting 2 seasons ago, Donaghy started calling more fouls on average, than previously. And in 14 games he refereed, the winner was decided by a SINGLE bucket or less! It appears that he was betting on the point spread instead of the over-and-under, so he had an incentive to change the outcome of those games.

It appears that Stern has made a deal to limit the scope of the charges against Donaghy.
This gives Stern the ability to say that no games were fixed because it was not explicitly stated nor charged. Knowing Stern, this is exactly what he will do. He's going to try and convince us that this is more of an 'insider trading' type scandal, rather than a price-fixing scandal. It also means that if he is successful in his spin, then what actually occurred during those games will never be revealed.

That's why I think the fix is in! - stay tuned - there's much more to be analyzed and uncovered!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tiger Is Not Out Of The Woods Yet

I just watched Tiger win his 13th major, and just finished reading many of the blogged comments of golf fans who can't accept the fact that he is only 5 wins behind Nicklaus, and will surpass him soon. What is revealing is how many hate the fact that he is so good, so dominant, so focused, so physically and mentally fit, and so much better than the other golfers he is competing against.

One thing about golf, unlike the other sports, is that you don't get paid until you win. Since Tiger is the #1 golfer in the world, and has already become the wealthiest golfer ever, that speaks volumes for how much he has won - many fans have a problem with this also. As he approaches Nicklaus's record of 18 majors, he will face much of the same, if not more, of the barbs and hate that Aaron and Bonds were subjected to. Nicklaus is the white idol of golf just like Ruth was the white idol of baseball, and it is clear that many cannot accept their records being broken by black men such as Aaron, Bonds and Woods.

For those who say that Tiger Woods is merely just good, they sound foolish - no one wins over 50 tournaments and 13 majors by age 32, if they are merely just good. For those who ask why he gets so much coverage, it's because no one comes close to being as good in golf right now. Why do the sportscasters gush over him? Because 2 to 3 million more viewers watch tournaments that Tiger is in, than those he isn't in. That's 2-3 million more households watching Tiger - not Vijay, nor Phil, nor Ernie.

Where would golf be without Tiger? I would guess that there wouldn't be anyone who would capture the imagination of fans and casual onlookers as Tiger has. Without Tiger, golf would still be considered an elitist sport. And as for it not being fair that the focus is on Tiger all the time and other golfers deserve some coverage and credit, I say, In order to be on top, you have to beat the man on top. No one has been able to do it consistently. Are there tournaments where other players play better than Tiger and win? Yes - but the reason why Tiger gets so much attention, is because he is usually at least near the top of the scoreboard.

The reason Tiger wins so much is because of his constant practicing, his talent, his skill, his desire, and physical strength. It's laughable that some fans are bashing him for working out and being in shape. Perhaps if the rest of the players worked out as much, they probably would be as physically fit - so far, none of them come even close. In addition, he is stronger mentally than anyone else in the game.

Those who complain that he has no real competition and he does not compare to Nicklaus because Nicklaus had to beat guys like Watson, Trevino, Player, and Palmer, I say, all he needs to do is beat those of his generation. When compared with his generation, Woods has 13 major victories compared to the next highest player who only has 3 major wins. All in his generation have the same advantages such as advanced training, equipment etc., but no one else is even close to him.

Tiger is the only player that, even if not leading by several strokes, is still worth watching. The guy puts on a clinic every time he goes out there. And when he's ahead in a tournament on Sunday morning, you can take it to the bank. Tiger is doing his job. He is not a comedian, nor a politician - he plays golf to win. There is no rule in golf that says you must smile, shake hands, talk to the fans while on the course, etc.

He is the best because he works hard, is focused, is the best prepared, and refuses to be distracted - it's as simple as that!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Con of 'Black-On-Black' Crime

This is the oft-repeated phrase that burns the burrs off my saddle. It's another racist con that is designed to stigmatize the black victim, the black criminal and black communities throughout America. It suggests that Blacks are peculiarly prone to turn violently on themselves and others, because of some special genetic defect not shared by other races.

The truth is, most criminals overwhelmingly victimize those that are physically closest to them, whether in families, in neighborhoods, in cities, or in countries. Yet, in spite of the criminality found in many Italian/Irish neighborhoods replete with mafia-type organized crime violence, or in Asian gang-infested neighborhoods, no one ever talks about white-on-white crime or Asian-on-Asian crime - why not?

It's because the conversation is framed and controlled by those with an agenda, who wish to blame the ills of our society on blacks, who themselves have been victimized and marginalized by the majority group since day one. The term is also used by racists to taint any compassion for, and understanding of, the poverty-stricken plight of many blacks in America, and as justification for cutting back or eliminating social services that would benefit them.

Crime is color-blind. But what isn't color-blind, is the process that is used to determine which criminals are to be charged, convicted, and punished, and for which crimes - that's the biggest con of all!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Enough Is Enough!

Not since the OJ case has the White media, particularly the sports writers, had the perfect 'cover' from which to hide behind, while lobbing their racist bilge all over the place. Now they have the Michael Vick dog-fighting allegations and the Barry Bonds steroid allegations that they can fake moral outrage about, while at the same time venting their most racist feelings toward the players disguised as part of that supposed moral outrage.

Even some Black sportswriters have piled on as well, maybe to prove to their White colleagues that they can out-nigger as well as anyone else can. One Black female writer even wrote a silly prayer parody to her 'god', asking him to "Please stop Bonds before it is too late" (from breaking Aaron's home-run record). Shortly thereafter, Bonds did tie and then break the record, and this is what I wrote to her:

Ms. Hill,
"The letter that you wrote to your god, "Please Stop Bonds Before It's Too Late", was one of the most silly ever written. Apparently he was not a real God, because perhaps the best player that ever played the game, Barry Bonds, has now tied and passed the record that Aaron had held for 30+ years - in spite of your prayers!
Your god either ignored you, did not read your article, or maybe was powerless to stop a mere mortal like Barry Bonds. I suggest you find a 'real' God who can hear, pay attention to you, can read, and has enough power to stop a player like Barry Bonds if He chooses to.
This is a wake-up call for you to stop serving false gods. It's embarrassing that a Black women could be so hateful and silly and buy into this racist hysteria, and then put this garbage in a white publication.
Even some white sportswriters have admitted that this anti-Bonds crap is nothing more than naked white racism, maybe that's why, even your god ignored your ill-advised prayers.
They say 'the pen is mightier than the sword' - your pen failed you miserably."

Thankfully, at least most Black sportswriters are not fooled and can sense the racism and hear the racist overtones behind the faked moral outrage of the majority of the sportswriters. They have accordingly written some outstanding pieces that demand that both players be treated fairly and not pre-judged as so many are doing. They are also writing about the hypocrisy of the critics who fail to acknowledge the dual-standards applied to Black and White athletes, and the shaky premises that records like Babe Ruth's home-run record, really rests on.

Gordon Jackson, wrote an amazing and outstanding article on this subject:

I'm proud of the Black sportswriters who have cut through the racist hype and are providing the balanced reporting that those who claim to be 'fair and balanced', have failed miserably to do.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Cosby Legacy

Some years after Cosby made his famous or infamous remarks at a Black organization's Washington D.C. function, right-wing racist pundits are still referring to it as the defining analysis of what is wrong with Black America.

I have no problem with most of what Cosby said, but I have a BIG problem with where and how he said it - giving the right-wing white racists more ammunition to attack us with (which they did right after the speech, and are still doing so). Blacks should never point to the ills of other Blacks without putting it in the context of the white supremacist system that brought our ancestors here in chains and has continued it's domination long after slavery has officially ended. Most Blacks have overcome and learned to survive in this system, but some have not yet done so. When there is any criticism to be levied, the victimizer should always be criticized at the same time the victim is criticized, to provide true context and balance.

I listened carefully again to the speech and there were many factual inaccuracies in it - like $500 sneakers (no such thing exists in the stores, even today) etc. It is these kind of exaggerations that have contributed to the caricature of Blacks as mindless creatures and thoughtless consumers.

Also, I objected to his elitist references to the 'lower classes' as if he was divinely appointed to be in the 'upper classes'. If so, why has he been sued for sexual harassment by a reported 13 different women, most of whom were reportedly white? (he is reported to have quietly settled all those lawsuits) What is 'upper-class' about his apparent whoring around on his wife?????? What about his 'other' daughter (Autumn Jackson) that suddenly appeared a few years ago, that he reportedly had to admit was his (conceived during an extra-marital affair) and was paying for her college education and had paid over $100,000 of hush-money to her mother over the years. At least the 'lower classes' have an excuse for their economic and social impairment - what is his excuse for his 'moral impairment'????

I say if you are going to bash other Blacks, especially in the white media, you better be squeaky clean - Cosby certainly isn't. And likewise, few of us will ever be able to throw the first stones as he unfortunately did. What he also did was to use those stones to verbally assault people who were already injured - and that's totally inexcusable.

This link sums up Cosby's image problem and his dubious right to criticize anybody.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Playing The Race Card??

Whites have become adept at trying to disguise their racist sentiments and impulses by latching onto an event or cause that is convenient to hide behind, while lobbing their racist missiles. This has been seen most recently in cases involving Black celebs and athletes like Kobe, Barry Bonds, and Michael Vick. They always vigorously claim it is not about race, but is instead purely about the act or crime as charged. They would have us believe that they have sufficiently evolved, and can now separate race from justified moral outrage at what was allegedly done.
But Black people are not deaf, dumb, nor blind, we can pick up on the strident tone and inflections in the voice, or the facial expressions that gives them away when discussing it. We know they have not separated race from it at all, rather they are using the incident to provide 'plausible deniability' and cover, to protect themselves when their racism is exposed by their over-the-top protestations, feigned moral outrage, or by being more condemning than they would ordinarily be at a White celeb/athlete charged with the same offense. Their number one offensive maneuver, is to charge Blacks with 'playing the race card' if we (Blacks) have the temerity to point out the racism in the things being said and done. The truth is, they have always clearly played the race card and will always do so, but are now trying to hide it by preemptively accusing Blacks of doing the same thing.
Blacks are also not stupid, we know when it comes to matters of race etc., Whites are rarely if ever, race-neutral in their opinions. This is why we instinctively rally around and support those accused, because we know Whites cannot be trusted to refrain from acting in a racist manner towards the accused when he is in the process of being charged, tried and convicted. This applies to most, if not all Whites, whether they label themselves liberal, progressive or conservative - they are all afflicted with some part of the racist DNA inherited from their ancestors, and passed along through the vehicle of white privilege and power.
Another tip-off is their consistant and condescending, lecturing of Blacks about 'making everything about race'. This is as if race hasn't always been the elephant in the living room of our society, and as if most things concerning Blacks in our society, hasn't always had a racial context. But when Blacks allege racism, they accuse us of making excuses for the criminal behavior of the Black person and playing the race card. Blacks have shown racial solidarity with those who have been accused, not necessarily because they approve of or endorse what has been alleged, but we know most Whites are not morally fit to qualify them to fairly judge the guilt of the Black person who is accused. More than anything, Blacks want fairness and balance from Whites when a Black person is accused by them. But we know enough of our history on these shores from day one, and have seen enough of their injustices since then, to not trust their alleged good intentions, and to be skeptical of their truly being willing or capable of race-neutralness in their dealings with us. 
The sensational OJ case was a good example - it was a bonanza to Whites, because it allowed them to vent and express their deepest and most vile racist feelings without fear of being branded a racist. Even when I calmly and intelligently discussed the case with some who believed he was guilty, and gave them a point by point list of evidences that pointed to his possible innocence, they reacted and screamed in moral outrage, as if to say, how dare you suggest that he may be innocent, when we Whites already believe and have decided that he is guilty! Their patronizing sneer and contempt for my opinions, were palpably racist and very revealing. To me, the OJ case proved that race does matter in this racist society, and Whites often instinctively play the race-card, which is as American as apple pie and the flag, notwithstanding their denials.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Profaned Sports Records?

Michael Vick and Barry Bonds are on the hot-seat because of the selective indignation of many sports fans, who see the smashing of their hallowed sports records by these two, as a perverse kind of sports achievement.

I believe that the outrage of many in the Vick 'dog fighting' case, is hypocrisy at best, and racist at worst. I've found there are even several 'dog-fighting' magazines sold monthly and legally, on major newsstands around the country, for a sport that is supposedly illegal and immoral. And don't let me even get started on the 'sports' of bull-fighting, dog racing and cock-fighting.

Methinks, a Black quarterback who signed the richest contract ever, and quarterbacks a team in the deep south, and became the first quarterback to rush for over 1000 yds. in a season, is way too much for many of the upstanding 'turn-the-clock-back-on-racial-progress' fans in this country. So to derail his assault on the record books, they are screaming for Vick to be banished from the NFL, even before his trial to determine his guilt or innocence, and they have cancelled his rich endorsement deals and removed his best-selling sports gear from the store shelves - that will show him!

..And don't say anything to me about 'playing the race card' - the race card was invented over 400 years ago by 'you-know-who', and it is obviously still being played everyday by 'you-know-who'!

It's much the same with Barry Bonds, who will shortly be breaking the 'hallowed holy grail' record of baseball. It's less about Bond's alleged steroid use, and more about his and Hank Aaron's temerity in surpassing their idol's home run record, which is doubtful that Ruth would have held, had he regularly been subjected to the superior pitching of the Negro leagues. In fact the reason the Negro league teams were not permitted to play against those of the major leagues, was the fear that the white teams could not compete with the talented players in the Negro league, and would be shown up. So Ruth's records were at best, achieved because of inferior and less than adequate pitching challenges to his hitting prowess. Had Ruth had to face black pitchers like Satchel Paige, Leon Day or Ray Brown, there is no way he would have gotten even near the 'record'that he held for so many years.

"Simply stated, major league baseball records established during the 60 years of segregated baseball are tainted and therefore, meaningless. These records were established during a period in which many of the best players of the game were excluded from the game. The white players knew it. The white owners knew it, and the black players sure knew it. A reasonable observer must conclude that these records should be followed by an asterisk* stating African Americans were not allowed to play."

How ironic it is, that many years later, a player who would have been consigned to the Negro leagues had he been playing in the early part of the last century, is now smashing the records that he would not have been able to challenge back then.

The 'fans' of today are no better than those of yesteryear, and their hallowed records will continue to be 'profaned' and broken whether they want them to or not.