Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tolerant But, Unsupportive

Here I go again, sticking my toes into the waters of a complex, divisive and controversial issue, most recently highlighted by the remarks of the retired NBA star, Tim Hardaway. The audio clip of him saying that "...he hates gay people..." has been reverberating throughout the media this past week. What he said has been rightfully condemned as intolerant, but the more important issue for me is, can you be tolerant and yet unsupportive of the lifestyle? I think yes, and this is my basic position.

His remarks immediately forced me to re-examine my own feelings on the issue of homosexuality. I know that I don't hate gays and if the estimates are correct, it's very likely there may be some members of my extended family who are also gay. On the other hand, I know that I don't support the gay lifestyle based on Scriptural prohibitions (Lev. 18:22, 20:13, 1 Cor. 6:9,10) plus my own view of what I consider 'normal' and what is not. By the way, Leviticus also condemns "..laying with a beast.." (Lev. 20:15), which I also consider to be a perversion.

I don't know enough about homosexuality to decide if it is voluntary or an involuntary choice. I would opine however, that bestiality is voluntary and a perversion, and few if any, would argue with that. If the latter is voluntary and perverse, does the former qualify as well?

These are just some of the issues that were raised by Hardaway's remarks. Where do you stand?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Who's The Daddy??..(and other unseemly questions)

Is it my imagination, or is the circus surrounding the recent death of the pitiable Anna Nicole Smith, morphing into one of the biggest soap operas of our times?

With four or more men claiming to be possibly the daddy of her six-month old daughter, what is one to think of her? Would any other non-celebrity woman not be considered a slut, a 'ho, or worse? So far, none of these obvious labels are being applied to her by the adoring, frenzied media that is reporting on her death and the ensuing struggle for her estate.

What is also unspoken, but certainly something I would be looking into if I were investigating her death, is the death of the sole beneficiary named in her will, her son, who died mysteriously mere weeks before her own death. How convenient for the man who was her lawyer and who has been named the executor of her multi-million dollar estate, and who also claims to be her 'husband' by virtue of a 'commitment ceremony' that neither the Bahamas nor the United States recognizes, and who also claims to be the father of her six-month old child.

If you ask me, the old adage, "follow the money", is the most important principle that everyone following this matter should keep in mind.