Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Change You Can Believe In? - This Is It!

In December, I graded President Obama's 1st year as a 'B,' and noted that it was one of the most, productive 1st years of any previous presidency.

Today, on his monumental, historical, unprecedented, accomplishment in pushing through the Healthcare Reform legislation and signing it, (without one Repugnant vote of support), he earned an A+++! Those who awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize, were far smarter and intuitive, than those who said he had not done anything yet.

The Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." Above all, the single best way to achieve this, is through good health and Healthcare availability. This is why Healthcare is a right, and not a privilege.

It's now the law of the land, and from here it can be improved on, and hopefully will be.

The biggest single improvement I hope for, is to make it into a universal, single- payer, not-for-profit plan, that will be available to all citizens from day-1 of their lives.