Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Unfettered capitalism, is the surest route to unimagined wealth, and the best way to firmly ensconce the elite in a separate world, millenia away from the unwashed masses they have exploited.

This partly explains the stampede to 'privatize' everything in sight, from social security to the armed forces, and particularly those social institutions that were set up for the common good of all. What better way to 'manage' the prospects of the unwashed, and subject their futures to the iconic whims of the elites.

Thus remove all regulators that will ensure accountability and oversight. Dismantle the FCC, FTC, EPA, and all other regulatory agencies that are charged with these responsibilities.

Throw caution to the wind - spend $250 million per day in Iraq - the rapture is nigh - do unto others before they do it unto us, and bomb them to set them free!

Welcome to the Rupugnant wet-dream.

Hurtle in Myrtle

The 'Hurtle in Myrtle", just like the "Rumble in the Jungle" of old, was the bruising primary fight in So. Carolina that Obama just won big, but may have ultimately lost, because he was solidly and effectively tarred and smeared as the 'black' candidate.

Billary (Bill and Hillary), deliberately set out, in the lead-in to the SC primary, to accomplish two things: bring Obama down from the 'Change' pedestal above the mean streets of the fray Obama had set himself on, by goading him until he cracked, as he finally did during the debate in Myrtle Beach.

Thus, Obama became just another politician, not the shining symbol of 'Hope' he started out to be, and he was now fair game.

Then, Bill needed to break Obama's wise tactic of carefully framing himself as a candidate for 'All' the people, not just as an 'African American' candidate. Again, by attacking Obama as viciously as he did, Bill alienated the African Americans who might have voted for the Clinton co-candidacy, resulting in the landslide for Obama.

Canny politician that he is, Bill knew that the landslide aspect of the vote in SC would be seen as a racial vote, and would further polarize the electorate (especially the White and Latino voters in other states), who will now see Obama's victory in SC as purely racial.

Since there are far fewer Black, than White and Latino voters nationwide, Obama's chances of winning the Dems nod, are now diminished even further.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Treat, or Trickle-Down Trick?

So Bush wants to create an economic stimulus to bolster this failing economy? - his ridiculous remedy is to make his 2001 tax cuts to the rich, permanent. That's his 'trickle-down' fantasy that was first proposed by his repugnant predecessor, Reagan, who started us down the 'give-away-to-the-rich' road.

In the interim, he and his repugnant-lite enablers, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, have devised what they say will keep the lid on and boost the economy - rebating taxpayers $600 each, give couples $1,200, plus $300 more for each child.

To say this would stimulate the economy is the height of political fakery and trickery, because they know it will be mostly spent by the recipients, to reduce their huge credit card debt - money paid right back to the usurious bankers who overcharged them in the first place.

If they were really serious about stimulating the economy, there are a lot of sensible measures they could be taken, that would make more sense.

First, I would remove the cap on social security payroll deductions, which currently sits at about $90,000. It makes no sense and is unfair, that someone making $250,000, $500,000, $1,000,000, $2,000,000 etc., has no deductions after earning $90,000.

Secondly, I would rescind the 2001 tax-cut giveaway to the wealthy - they have had an unearned ride at our expense for 7 years, now it's time for it to end!

Thirdly, I would declare a tax amnesty for the year 2008, where no social security, medicare, federal or state taxes will be owed or withheld, from people earning $75,000 or less - all these would be easily covered by removing the social security cap, and rescinding the criminal tax-cuts to the rich.

Fourthly, I would put a moratorium on all home foreclosures, thus giving those at risk, a year to marshal their resources to save their homes and equities.

I am under no illusion that these suggestions would even be considered, much less implemented by those at the top, but the inequities of our system must be addressed, and these are my suggestions to address them.

Farewell Kucinich

I'm real sorry that Dennis Kucinich withdrew from the political mix. He was the only candidate who had the purest program to remove the stench of the repugnant BushCo / Pelosi / Reid / alliance, immediately get us out of Iraq and future preemptive entanglements, repair the social networks, rebuild the environmental infrastructures that have been savaged, and set up a Department of Peace, instead of war.

And that's why he did not have a ghost of a chance of being president - these interests even denied him access to most of the primary debates, so that his voice could not be heard, and his vision could not be shared.

Fascism is basically, the marriage of corporate and state interests, to the detriment of the political and economic interests of the people. This was started under Reagan, furthered somewhat by Clinton, and brought to full fruition by BushCo and his Repugnants.

Neither Clinton nor Obama is fully committed to ending this unholy alliance, in fact they are both funded primarily by these interests. I do believe though, that Obama has the most potential for positive change in the future, if consistently pushed to the left by the progressive wing of the Democratic party.

Edwards has been a political loser, nationally, although he is more progressive than either Clinton or Obama.

We'll see who the Dems make their standard bearer at the convention in August. Let's hope whomever it is, will end this long nightmare of Repugnant misrule, misdeeds, and mismanagement.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Spin of Race and Gender

If you don’t think race and gender still plays a major role in a Presidential election, just watch from now until November. The media is doing their usual number in fueling the fire between Clinton and Obama only because of their gender and race, and the TV viewers are loving it.

The Republicans are salivating at the thoughts of a black man and a woman being the front runners in the Democratic race for the nomination of their party, because they know that neither will win in the national elections.

They know Americans will not vote in sufficient numbers, to elect a woman or a black man when they have a choice of a white man, particularly if he's a war-hero like McCain.

Dennis Kucinich followed by John Edwards, are the most progressive, and are the best hopes for the Democrats to regain the white house - and that's why the media is dead set against giving them any coverage.

If we haven’t had enough of the Repugnants in the last 8 years, and can’t see through what the corporate-controlled media is up to, then maybe we do deserve another disastrous Repugnant win this coming November.

....Don't ever forget that gasoline was only $1.39/gal. when Bush took office in 2001.......

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Was There Election Fraud in N.H.?

The wife of the former president of the US, who also won his New Hampshire primary in the 90s, performs a miraculous 21 point swing and wins the primary, after being seriously behind until the day of the primary. This was in a state where ALL 17 polls got it wrong, and ALL were outside the statistical margin of error - which is highly improbable! Moreover where the ballots were counted by hand, Obama was up by 6 points, but where the machines counted the ballots, Hillary was up by 15 points. Further, only 496,000 people voted, but 510,000 votes were actually tabulated - 14,000 more than were cast.

Would the Clinton machine and the BushCo repugs in New Hampshire, tamper with the election, in order to obtain a desperately needed primary win for Hillary, and derail the Obama express? - You bet your sweet bippy they would! Remember Hillary voted for their illegal war and voted for the Patriot Act, among her other consistent votes for war funding, plus, she is the matron of the Dem centrist/right wing of the DNC, which controls the national party and the local Dem party in New Hampshire. Although they used paper ballots, they were mostly counted by optical-scan machines, and therefore subject to manipulation and other machinations.

As the status quo candidate and part of the DNC centrist/right wing of her party, Hillary is the choice of corporate America which has given her a war-chest of over $100 million, so they have a vested interest in her winning, and Obama losing. The military industrial complex would also love nothing better than to have her and her Repug opponent be supporters of the war - what a great way to ensure eight more years of unlimited military appropriations and spending, regardless of which party wins the presidency.

Few Democratic politicians, especially Clinton, would publicly cite Obama's race as a liability. But in brutal political terms, this unstated vulnerability may now be used to persuade leaders of the party establishment and fundraising network, to stick with Clinton, through what is now sure to be a bruising fight until at least February 5th, and perhaps all the way to the convention in August.

In any case, this loss allows Obama to see more clearly what he's up against. Hopefully, his people can adapt their campaign strategy to the inevitable election tampering that is sure to occur again.

My guess is that this was the opening salvo to secure the nomination for Hillary, and the rejection of the Obama movement. Then Hillary will go up against the Repugnant standard bearer, and probably lose to him, thereby keeping the presidency safe for the Repugs.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Is the 'Surge' Working?

Oh, come on - Iraq is no nearer to any internal political coherence than it has ever been since we destroyed the previous regime. We sent in 30,000 troops after the majority of the ethnic cleansing had been accomplished by the competing factions in Iraq. If we had sent 50,000 troops, there would have been even less violence. The fact that we have found a formula for occupying Iraq with lesser risk to our troops instead of extreme risk, doesn't mean that the surge has worked. It sure isn't working to make a viable nation of Iraq. And, it doesn't change the indisputable fact that we have no right to BE in Iraq, that invading it was a colossal mistake and a violation of international law. So saying the surge is 'working' and celebrating that, is like saying that robbing a bank 'worked' because you killed all the tellers and got away with the cash. That doesn't make it something that worked, and it doesn't give you anything to celebrate - you're still guilty and a failure. In fact, 2007 was the bloodiest year since the invasion 5 years ago, and there is now new violence in the north between the Turks and the Kurds.

This is not what I call a strategy that 'worked.' Our military is the weakest it has ever been at any time in any living person's lifetime. Our resources are draining from our economy at an alarming pace. And our stature in the world is approaching 'pariah' level. The purpose of the surge was to provide space for political progress, but no political progress has taken place, hence the surge has failed. But an even larger failure looms ahead, because one thing the surge did accomplish, is the arming of the Sunni factions in preparation for it's eventual showdown with the Shiites.

The BushCo's concerted propaganda war to convince the American people that the 'surge' has worked, is not working. You can clear all the hookers out of Times Square, and put cops on every corner, but how long will it be before they come back? The surge is working - how? Is the Iraqi government now representative, bi-partisan and democratic? Do the people now have hospitals, electricity, sewage, schools, security, heat, jobs, rebuilt homes? Do the Iraqis and the rest of the people in the Middle East now acknowledge that the US is a great friend? Is Basra is a success story? What about the 4 million refugees that has had to flee to other countries?

Last month, we were down to 23 deaths in Iraq, so is that what we call doing a good job? How many soldiers are going to need arms, legs, and minds worked on, for how many years to come - has anyone counted them? How many Iraqis are still dying, how many of their children will be too old to go to their grade schools again, and what about food, water, electricity, sewers, homes? What about the money we have spent on this war? - and lets add the amount that has been pocketed by Bush and his friends? - how about the price of gas we are now paying, and what about our own children that we can't now afford to give heath care too?

Until there is political, economic and social progress, and the troops leave, Iraq will be judged a failure that no 'surge' can fix, and it will remain a ball and chain around America's neck and a stain on our reputation forever.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Truth or Consequences?

"If you know the truth and don't speak out, then your voice becomes heard with the lie. Silence is a lie when you know the truth. If you know the truth but say I'm not going to get involved, I'm going to remain neutral, then you are siding with a lie. There is no neutrality when you know the truth."

There are so many instances where the truth is known but routinely hidden.

Prosecutors withhold exculpatory evidence from the defense; police observe the 'blue code' of silence to shield each other from censure, dismissal or prosecution; witnesses refuse to testify out of fear of reprisals from perpetrators.

And as yet, we have not found out what really happened on 9-11, and who were the conspirators.

And then we have Bill Bennett knowingly spouting his false 'truth', - "I do know....if you aborted every black baby, the crime rate would go down."

Also athletes who feel pressured to take performance enhancing drugs, just to compete with those who are already doing so, but successfully hiding it.

The lie by BushCo about WMD's in Iraq and the need to go to war, and the shameful complicity of Colin Powell and others, in rubber-stamping this lie.

The media routinely censures 'inconvenient truths' in order to lie from silence.

For years, baseball's management ignored rampant steroid use, to benefit from enhanced athletic performances, resulting in increased media ratings and much higher profits.

Rape is one of the world's most prevalent but underreported violent crimes.

Racist whites, routinely lie and say they are not racists.

What is clear, is that there is much more lying, than truth-telling going on, and few would argue with this.

"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing to reveal and further the truth"

Sunday, January 06, 2008

"Africom" For Africa - But Not Egypt ?

This military command, 'Africom', just created by BushCo, is the latest being launched to grab the world's resources that we need to maintain our imperial empire.

I have not written anything about this previously, because so far, the only sources for news and assessments, have been our own governmental sources. But a friend of mine just commented about it, and I think it would be good to give my preliminary take on it as well. I will write more definitively, as African, Middle Eastern and other world sources become available.

In a nutshell, 'Africom' has a dual purpose - one, is to steal the natural resources that we covet, using our military; and the other, is to protect other natural resources that we will need in the future, from other thieves like China, Korea and Russia.

The worst thing about this 'Africom' con, is that BushCo just appointed a black army general to head it up, thus sending a black face to Africa to fool them as to 'Africoms' true intent.

Also we should be aware of something interesting as illustrated in this recent news headline - "U.S. Creating New Africa Command to coordinate and oversee all military efforts in all of Africa, except , Egypt".

So here again we are continuing to pretend that Egypt is not part of Africa, and to do so, we must separate Egypt from Africa. Thus we can continue to extol the genius and wonders of Egypt, while denying that Africans were the architects and the geniuses who created these wonders.

Although some things seem to change, they really just stay the same!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Love Thy Brown Neighbor???

According to polls, immigration is a much more important issue among Republican voters than among Democrats. That's especially true in early voting states such as Iowa and So. Carolina, where sizable pockets of illegal immigrants have settled in the last decade.

The intensity of Repugnant resentment towards illegals, has come as a surprise to Mike Huckabee, an ordained Baptist minister. As an abortion-detesting, evolution-denying homophobe, Huckabee is fast winning the devotion of his party's Christianists, who seem to confuse the office of president with that of preacher or priest. But Huckabee has one glaring flaw in an otherwise perfect Repugnant doctrinal resume, he has shown (gasp) some compassion towards illegal immigrants.

As governor of Arkansas, Huckabee supported legislation that would have made undocumented college students eligible for college scholarships and in-state tuition discounts. Huckabee said "he wouldn't hold children responsible for something their parents did," like crossing the border illegally.

For that modest bit of pragmatism, Huckabee is being hammered by Mitt Romney, who lost to him in Iowa. Though he was relatively moderate on immigration as governor of Massachusetts, Romney now presents himself as the leader who bravely "stood up and vetoed in-state tuition for illegal aliens, and opposed driver's licenses for illegals."

Polls notwithstanding, Huckabee's position is more Biblically correct. "We welcome the stranger because the Savior himself was not welcomed in mainstream society," said Robert Parham, executive director of the Baptist Center for Ethics. "The whole teaching of 'no room at the inn' was about someone poor and marginalized and pushed off to a stable."

The more thoughtful question is then this, what would Jesus do - and would He be a Republican?

Friday, January 04, 2008

What Does Life Have To Do With It ???

Looking back on 2007, brings to mind the extraordinary number of deaths of family members and friends, unlike any single year that I can remember previously. This has caused me to think more deeply of life and death and the purpose for each of our lives, which must eventually end.

I believe that God is the author of all life that is conceived, and He alone determines who is actually born and who is not. So He allows some lives to be born, and others to be aborted or miscarried as He sees fit. The issues of being 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice' are really moot points, when you consider that God holds the final trump cards concerning all lives and deaths. I believe that man cannot do anything that God does not actively or passively permit, and this includes the ending of lives. Being all knowing, all powerful, and perfectly just, is what defines and distinguishes God from man.

What is really important though, is the purpose that God has for each life that He permits to be born. Whether born with disabilities, deformities or no handicaps at all, each birth has a reason and a purpose, known only to God and sometimes made clear to man, as his life progresses. This explains how lives that would normally be written off like Ludwig Van Beethoven, Stephen Hawking, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder and many others, could be so purposeful and fruitful, in spite of the seriousness of what we would call their handicaps.

So as I look forward to 2008 and away from the sad events of 2007, I can rest assured that God had a purpose for each of those loved ones that passed from the scene. During their lifetimes, they surely fulfilled their purpose as directed and controlled by God, and when that purpose was completed, they left this life, some willingly, and some, probably unwillingly.