Thursday, July 29, 2010

LeBron, the President, and Us

Yesterday, a baseball fan of the Cleveland Indians, went to the game with his sister while wearing a Miami Heat basketball jersey with Lebron's #6 on it.

The so-called fans near them, became enraged upon seeing LeBron's jersey, and started directing derision, curses and spittle at the young couple. Finally security had to come and rescue them by escorting them out amid cat-calls, curses, objects being thrown etc. Fortunately they were white, but had they been black, who knows, there may have even been an attempted lynching.

Welcome to America, LeBron fans, and a further wake-up call to you, LeBron. You have been demonized for exercising your rights to free agency and making the decision to play elsewhere next season. For that lawful decision, you have reverted to being the big-black n***** that the Cleveland trash always felt you were, but kept quiet about because you were so useful to them. Now that you have gone, they feel free to vent their racial angst on you and anyone else that identifies with you.

But don't get it twisted, you are just experiencing a part of the larger picture of racist hate being directed at the President of the U.S. Racist America is now in full bloom with their slanderous, racist depictions of Obama as a communist, socialist, maoist, hitlarian fascist - all because he has the temerity to be BLACK and occupying their WHITE house. Even many who voted for him have now reverted to their basic racist instincts, and are now in full-scale revolt now that the pitifully ignorant and inept Bush, followed by the cartoonish and pathetically stupid, Palin and McCain, are no longer a threat to their survival. So it's clear that many of the white voters for Obama were merely the lesser-of-two-evil voters, with dumbbells Palin and McCain being the greater of the evils then.

Whatever negatives black celebrities, athletes, and just plain black folks are experiencing now, is the run-off from what is being directed at the black President by the racist minions who call themselves 'true' Americans. Their mask is off now - it took a Harvard educated Lawyer, Professor and Senator, to expose how they really feel about educated, intelligent blacks who have pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps and achieved the pinnacle of the American dream and political power. They feel no better about the President and his Harvard educated wife, than they feel about the despised and demonized lower classes of blacks who they have permanently consigned to the social underclasses.

And worse, these racists are predominantly people who call themselves good 'christians', but can't even dredge up a smidgen of Christianity when it comes to black folks - whether weak or strong, rich or poor, educated or uneducated.

So you see, LeBron, we and you, have much more in common with the President, than we ever could have imagined.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Myths and Realities

Senator James Webb of Virginia, just wrote an article for the WSJ declaring that 'white privilege is a myth' and diversity instituted to counteract it, has put whites at a disadvantage and has marginalized many of them.

If white privilege is a myth, try asking white Q.B. Ben Roethlisberger who has been accused of criminal sexual assault, twice, in the past year by different women, and is still walking around un-indicted and has suffered only a mere slap on the wrist and a brief suspension by the NFL - contrast that with black Q.B. Michael Vick, who was accused of criminally assaulting dogs, and wound up convicted and serving time in a Federal Pen and forfeiting over $100 million in future salary.

Or ask the white women who benefitted most from the affirmative action laws of the 60s, which were originally intended for blacks but extended to include women, 99% of whom were white. In my company they were promoted from clerical and secretarial positions to managerial positions without an undergraduate degree, and leapfrogged over many qualified blacks who had degrees. And some were even promoted to V.P. positions depending on how avidly and enthusiastically they took care of their bosses personal needs.

Or the then 23-yr. old segregationist, Strom Thurmond, who raped the 16 yr old daughter of his family's black maid, and was able to cover up the rape and impregnation, and subsequent birth of his daughter throughout his entire political career spanning 70+years. Only after his death did we find out about her when she wrote a book on her life and her father's, and toured to promote the book.

Or ask the 4 white officers who savagely beat Rodney King (on tape) in the 90s, and were acquitted by an all-white jury...

Or ask OJ Simpson, who was acquitted criminally, but was hurriedly convicted civilly by an all-white jury, and subsequently jailed 13 years later on charges of stealing his own memorabilia....

Or ask black wide-receiver Plexico Burris, jailed (at the insistence of a white, Jewish mayor intent on burnishing his tough-on-crime creds) in state prison for shooting himself in a night club with his own gun....

Or ask Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton - all whites who have been arrested repeatedly for drunken DUIs, spousal assaults, no driver's licenses etc. and released to repeat it over and over again (without even running afoul of California's 3-strikes law)...

Or ask the white transit cop in Oakland, who recently murdered a black suspect in cold blood as he lay face-down on the ground defenselessly, but given only an involuntary manslaughter conviction by a mostly white jury instead of the 1st degree murder verdict that was deserved. He got away with it because he claimed he was reaching for his stun gun but grabbed his pistol instead, and accidentally used it on the suspect...

Or ask Dan Gilbert, the spurned owner of the Cleveland Cavs, who wasn't even decent enough, grateful enough, nor gracious enough to thank his best Buck, LeBron, for the 7 long years he labored on the Cavs plantation, and for the multiple millions he brought onto the coffers of his Master. Instead he excoriated and 'dissed him publicly as a slaveholder might, upon learning his best slave had opted to gain his freedom and was running away to greener pastures.

Or ask the Tea Partyers who know if they were black, they would never be allowed to carry guns to rallies, hoist racist anti-white signs, spit on white congresspersons, nor engage in all the other outrages that are routine for whites but would never be allowed for blacks.

Yes, white privilege is indeed alive and well, and works wonderfully for whites when they desire to access and exercise their privileges....

Friday, July 16, 2010

Just A Garden Variety Racist? - of Course!

By now everyone who has a pulse has heard the profane diatribes uttered by actor, Mel Gibson, directed towards his live-in girlfriend with whom he fathered a child.

What is notable and instructive to me, is not what the talk shows are primarily focusing on and commenting on - his abusive, controlling, sexist profanity leveled at his girlfriend. What they missed or ignored, is the fact that Gibson is an All-American racist pig...a garden variety racist that has no problem spewing his racist feelings towards blacks and hispanics, and uses them to invoke criminal imagery that he hopes will intimidate and scare his girlfriend into doing what he wants her to do.

His racist mindset is the All-American kind that so many whites in this country are afflicted with. Of course, all who have this affliction are suffering from a severe mental disorder that is mostly undiagnosed and under reported - the racist Teapartyers are a prime examples of those who have this affliction. But Gibson also claims to be a devout adherent of Christianity that promotes love of each other rather than hate. So his racist feelings towards non-whites is the height of hypocrisy and duplicity.

The talk-show hosts have barely commented on this aspect of his racist, sexist ranting, preferring instead to focus on the abusive aspects of his relationship with his girlfriend. This is the typical avoidance of discussing racism that many whites employ, maybe because it hits too close to them and their own personal circles. But his profane references to n*****s and wet****s, signaled to me that he has a profound mental disorder, which is the underpining for his sexism and probably his hatred of women. That's the real story - one that TBN and others missed when they were lauding and lapping up his movie "The Passion of The Christ" which he produced several years ago.

Even his ex-wife just came out and defended him by saying, that he never showed any of these signs during the 28 years of their marriage. Of course she's lying, but I understand why she said it - a woman who is depending on a wealthy man for alimony and child support for 7 children, wants to ensure that he keeps paying, and that he does not get prosecuted and perhaps even jailed, for assaulting his current girlfriend or anyone else.

So she becomes an enabler, along with his fawning fans like Whoopi Goldberg, who are willing to overlook his racist core, because he is one of them and many probably also feels the same way he does.

Whether rich or poor, he's just another GVR....

Friday, July 09, 2010

The Promised Land??

I'm not really shocked nor surprised at Cleveland's owner, Dan Gilbert, and his intemperate comments and on-line letter posted to the Cavalier's web-site following LeBron's announcement.

It reminds me of the reaction most slaveholders had when their slaves were freed from their involuntary servitude at the end of the Civil War - "How dare they leave the wonderful life we provided for them? - If it wasn't for us, they would still be savages in Africa swinging from the trees in the jungle - they are totally ungrateful! - we even noticed that in the last couple of years they quit on us, probably figuring they would be freed soon - they will regret leaving because they will carry our curse on them wherever they go - where is their love for us and appreciation for the free clothing, food and shelter we provided all their lives? - We should have been more firmer with them, something like tough-love, so they would not want to leave us even if they were legally freed...."

Compare the slaveholder's reaction to the quotes from the interview and letter to the fans by Gilbert -

"...our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier. This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his "decision" unlike anything ever "witnessed" in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment."

"You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal. - You have given so much and deserve so much more." "I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels."

"Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there. - Sorry, but that's simply not how it works. This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown "chosen one" sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And "who" we would want them to grow-up to become."

"The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma."

"It's not about him leaving. It's the disrespect. It's time for people to hold these athletes accountable for their actions. Is this the way you raise your children? I've been holding this all in for a long time. "

"He has gotten a free pass," Gilbert said in a phone interview with The AP. "People have covered up for [James] for way too long. Tonight we saw who he really is."

"He quit," Gilbert said. "Not just in Game 5, but in Games 2, 4 and 6. Watch the tape. The Boston series was unlike anything in the history of sports for a superstar."

"LeBron James needs to go to another team with two superstars already so he can win a championship," Gilbert said. "We will win a championship before [the Heat] do."

"Gilbert said he now wishes he had done some things differently with James, who spent seven seasons with the Cavs..."

The comments by Gilbert are those of typical white supremecists, whose self-centered view of the world cannot conceive of blacks rejecting their crumbs, their supposed goodwill, their entreaties, etc. All of this is viewed by whites as disloyal, ungrateful, disrespectful, gross ingratitude, a betrayal, and to make it worse in their view, Lebron even dared to walk away from the $30 million more he would have been paid had he stayed.

Astonishingly, Gilbert even invoked religious imagery of Heaven and how you had to die to get there, as a metaphor for saying that LeBron didn't put in enough time, didn't work hard enough and struggle enough in Cleveland, before he could expect to reach the promised land of Heaven (an NBA championship).

Notice how he also mockingly called him "King" [James] and how he used the same racist, dismissive term, "chosen one", that was used against President Obama by his opponents, during and after his presidential run. And notice how Gilbert conveniently forgot to thank LeBron for the billions he made from the hundreds of sold-out games and millions from ancillary sales - solely due to the presence of LeBron on the Cavalier's roster.

LeBron James is very fortunate that he made the right decision to exercise his right of free agency, and leave the Cavaliers for Miami. Had he not done so, he might never have known how racist, patronizing, and unappreciative, the owner and many of the Cleveland 'fans' really are.