Wednesday, November 07, 2012

What God Has Wrought

Well, one of the nastiest, dirtiest, most racist, election seasons has ended, and the 'close' horse-race that the media predicted, proved not nearly as close as they had been saying.

Despite the lies, the hate, the attempted suppression of the votes and all the racist evil the Republicans threw at Obama, God blocked them and installed him as the President of the U.S., once again...." till thou know that The Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will" - Dan. 4:25

Some Conservatives foresaw the hole they were digging for themselves with their "legitimate rape" comments, and their racist "birther" comments, their anti-choice comments, etc. - all of which the amoral Romney embraced and never saw fit to distance himself from.

One of the many reasons that the conservative movement is now in such deep trouble, is that those who were wrong in how they conducted themselves with their full-blown racist, regressive, lying comments and actions, will suffer no consequences, and those conservatives who knew the truth and restrained themselves as civilized humans should, will receive no benefits.

But as focused, loathsome, and determined as they were to seize power by any means necessary and make Obama a one-term President, they forgot that the God they claim to love was not fooled by their false piety, and always has the first and last word in the kingdom of men - this election was no exception. 

What ultimately undid Romney was his love of money, which was at the "root of all the evil" that he directed at Bain Capital and other companies that he destroyed, along with the lives of their workers. His sordid past caught up with him during his campaigning.

Now he can spend his time counting his money deposited in hidden, off-shore bank accounts, in places like the Caymans, and other locales where those of his ilk hide their ill-gotten loot. But every cent stolen from the wages and retirement funds of employees that were displaced, will be accounted for in the judgement he must face.

God always has the last word!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Who did it?...and Why?

On the 10-year anniversary of 9-11, the air-waves have been inundated with chatter about whether or not this was an 'inside' job rather than a diabolical plot by an Al Qaeda terrorist at some remote mountainous location more than 13,000 miles away.

One talk-show host got rudely snippy with a caller, and angrily denounced him as a 'conspiracy theorist' because he dared to question how the Towers that were hit could collapse at all, and especially as rapidly as they did, in their own footprints - demolition style. He also questioned how building 7 could collapse about 8 hours later in exactly the same demolition-style manner without being hit at all.

To all these obvious questions, the host replied, that there was "no shred of evidence" that this was an 'inside job', and he would not let the airwaves be polluted with this conspiratorial line of questioning. My response to "no shred of evidence..." is, whoever was wealthy and powerful enough to pull this off, was equally able and powerful enough to ensure there would be "no shred of evidence" linking them to this crime. So I'm not persuaded with the 'lack of evidence' that this talk-show host and many others find so compelling.

I had to chuckle about all this not only because these are valid questions, but the 'terrorist' who was labeled the 'mastermind' of this action and headed up our Most-Wanted list for 10 years, Osama Bin Laden, WAS NEVER INDICTED FOR 9-11! Few Americans know that he was never indicted for his alleged crimes against America - why not? If all the evidence pointed to him as the architect of this outrage, why was he not indicted? And because he was never indicted, should he have been 'killed' extra-judicially without an indictment and trial?

So all this raises other questions - since he was not captured and put on trial for his alleged crimes, how do we know he did it and how do we know the person allegedly killed was in-fact, Bin Laden? Further, why was he buried at sea or disposed of so hurriedly and no pictures of his body produced? Who wanted him not to be put on trial and not testify in his defense? Could this be further evidence that the powers-that-be who have successfully ensured that there was "no shred of evidence" linking them to this crime, wanted to prevent him from testifying and providing the 'shreds of evidence' that would have been the smoking gun linking them to the conspirators or perpetrators of this crime?

Don't forget that all this was used as the pretext and justification for invading and occupying two mineral-rich Middle Eastern countries, and for drastically restricting our civil liberties while trebling our national debt and doubling the size of our Military Industrial Complex.

I'm convinced that in my lifetime we will never know the true story about 9-11. We have as many unanswered questions now, as we had in the Kennedy assassination, and Malcolm X's and Martin Luther King's assassination. I believe that the answers I seek won't be provided until the next life, and I'm looking forward to getting all my questions answered then!

Finally, I'm reminded that Bin Laden, Sadaam, Noriega, Mubarak, and Khadafy - were all on the CIA payroll as proxies at various times in the past. Isn't it strangely interesting how all have either been executed, overthrown or jailed as terrorists as we approach this anniversary?
Is this a coincidence, a conspiracy or a catastrophe for their country and ours?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Race Trumps Sports (at least in the NBA)

It's clear to me the NBA wanted 7 games but they only got 6. I rooted for Miami because 3 black men decided to take their own future in their hands and not be slaves to racist owners like Dan Gilbert of Cleveland. Many racist fans there also burned LeBron in effigy, and treated his departure after 7 years of hard labor, as if he were a runaway, ungrateful slave who dared to leave their plantation. Thousands of them plus most of the white sportswriters were rooting for him to lose and be a failure in Miami.

This is why I rooted for Miami and him.

I also knew that this was probably the last chance for Dirk, Jason and Kidd to get a ring. But hundreds of great players over the years never got a ring and it did not detract from their greatness. Race has been made a sub-text in this season and in these playoffs, just as race has been the defining issue in America ever since the country was born. Just read the comments from 'so-called' white 'fans' around the country who see race first and sports second.  They are pitiful little creatures cursed with the foul DNA of their worthless, racist, slave-owning ancestors. For this reason Miami's winning was more important to me for it's racial significance.

But it didn't happen this year and may never happen.  The sports establishment is determined to punish LeBron in particular, and his teammates collectively,  for daring to do what white folks do routinely - determine and be in charge of what's best for their own future.  And they wanted to send a message to future uppity blacks that they too will be dissed and cursed and reviled if they dare to leave their plantation without 'massa's prior approval.

The NBA controls who wins or loses with their referees, and who gets punished or not is also controlled by them.  It was very evident how this worked in this series.  Even the sub-standard coach of Miami who never played a day of Pro basketball, had to follow the League's dictates, and coach as poorly and ineptly as possible when the game was on the line.

No one remembers that ESPN went to LeBron and suggested the staged format where he was to announce his decision to leave or to stay. LeBron gets all the flack and hatred for this, while ESPN gets away scott-free with none.

In the final analysis, the NBA is just a business pretending to be a game, that can't escape the racism that this country was founded on. 

Just read the 'comments' section of any sports column or blog about LeBron and Miami, and you'll see what I mean.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Who Won?

Well, the NBA season has finally dragged to a welcome close.  For some it was way too long, for others it was too short, and for still others it was about 3 black men who dared to decide for themselves where they wanted to play, with whom they wanted to play, and damn what the sports establishment thought about their decision.

From the beginning of the season, LeBron, Bosh and D. Wade were vilified in the press and by 'so-called' fans for daring to come together to compete for a championship.

Just a few short years ago, the Boston Celtics brought in 2 super star players to help their team win a championship and no one said a peep about it. Oh, but that was a white, million dollar organization that had the right to determine what was best for them, unlike the 3 black players who exercised that same right but were castigated for it. 

LeBron in particular was vilified like a runaway slave for leaving the Cleveland plantation after 7 years of hard labor with little or no support from the slave overseer, Dan Gilbert.  He and most of the fans were so ungrateful and bitter, they would have had a lynching party and lynched LeBron if they thought they could get away with it - just like they used to do in the good ole' days to runaway slaves,

Looking back, LeBron did the right thing regardless of who didn't like the way he did it. He was thought to be uppity, irresponsible and ungrateful just like slaves were thought to be back in the day. 

Not only did Miami have a successful year, but they made it all the way into the finals ahead of stellar teams like Boston, the Lakers, San Antonio and Chicago. The Dallas Mavs beat them in the best of 7 games, but they can hold their heads high for what they accomplished, and on their own terms.

So who's laughing now? LeBron and crew are still very young and very rich, and have ample time to win championships in the future. But whether that happens or not, they already 'won' when they dared to dream of their own future, and did what it took to make it a reality. 

The NBA season is now a footnote in history and the real important problems of the world still have not lessened nor have been resolved. Dave Zirin wrote, " How can we deny the truth that many of us look to sports as a distraction from the trials and tribulations of our own lives? How can we deny that the reason so many of us read the sports page before the front page is that one is both bearable and comprehensible while the other simply isn’t?...We live in a crumbling nation with epic unemployment, two million people behind bars, and vast wealth inequality, while being told that we inhabit the best country on earth and to think otherwise is heresy. In such a world, sports become more than an escape: it’s a refuge. It’s much easier - and emotionally manageable - to hate Lebron James than face our collective future."

In the final analysis, who won or who lost means absolutely nothing to most of the billions of humans on planet earth, who have to scratch to find work and feed, clothe, and house their families every day.

Struggling to live is what's really important - not some game that the dumb white sports establishment thinks is relevant, but in fact is totally irrelevant to the lives of most people living in this world.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Were You ATLB ? (Among Those Left behind)

We have now passed the May 21st, 6pm doomsday deadline, in all time zones around the world.  If you are a Christian and reading this, you've been  'Left Behind' and not 'Raptured'....

The 200,000,000 (two-hundred million) or so that were presumably 'raptured', have left some unintended benefits for us...

- less usage of fossil fuels like oil and gasoline, thus lowering the carbon footprint..

- more job openings available for us, thus lowering the unemployment rate..

- less demand for food, clothing, transportation and housing, thus softening the market, lowering the demand, and hopefully lowering prices..

- I could go on and on, but you get the picture...

....also notable 'Christians' like George Bush, Rev. John Hagee, Hal Lindsay, Sarah Palin, Rev. Franklin Graham, George Romney, Glen Beck, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Scalia, Paul Crouch, etc.,  are presumably among those millions who just floated upward and out of this sphere - for this we can all say amen, hallelujah and good riddance!

note: unfortunately, some non-Christians like Michael Savage, Charles Krauthammer, Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, and assorted other infidels, are still  here, but we'll continue to deal with them as best we can....

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Bin Laden: Dead or Alive??

Folks, Does it really matter whether he's dead or alive?

Now that we have been told there will be no confirming pictures, and the body has been disposed of at sea, we will have to trust the veracity of the Administration regarding his death. Many Americans also trusted Bush's bogus WMD claims, and that got us nothing but into an expensive and genocidal Iraqi quagmire....

Also I'm not persuaded by a reported DNA match, since he had 50 other brothers and sisters who also shared the same DNA...Also if he was worth a quarter of a billion dollars as he is reported to be, it doesn't make sense he would choose a location where he would be a sitting-duck waiting to be captured or killed. If I were a near-billionaire as he was, I would want the world to believe I had been killed, so I could continue to live undisturbed somewhere else in the world...

Regardless, the fact remains that Al Qaeda is highly decentralized and no single death is going to shut it down.

But the symbolism of his alleged death is significant, and Obama handled and acquitted himself very presidentially throughout the operation.

Apparently most of the rest of the world also believes he is dead, so whether he really is or not, makes it a moot point.

So once again we are asked to trust....but not verify....

If I were Bin Laden and still alive somewhere, I would say....Mission Accomplished!...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Finally Justice

As I write this I'm reminded that as I approach age 70, I'm much closer to the end of my life here, than to the beginning.

Most people dread the certainty of dying. Not me. I'm looking forward to the next life which I have every reason to believe and expect, will be far superior to this one - not even close!

Besides waiting anxiously to see and be re-united with my parents and the many family and friends who have already gone on before, I'm anxious to get the answers about this life that were either deliberately withheld or obscured, or were beyond my ability to comprehend and understand. Most of all I look forward to living eternally under a righteous King who is all just, all powerful, all knowing - no more compromised justice, no more compromised rights and wrongs, no more abuses by the rich and powerful, no more racism, no more war and dying, no more tyranny of the majority, and finally, those who escaped being brought to justice in this life, will get the justice that should have been meted out to them, but wasn't.

The worse part about this life, was and is, the inequity and inequality that is accepted as the norm and considered as fair and just. It's particularly bad in this country because there is so much available - enough for everyone to have a satisfactory life with plenty to eat and all needs taken care of. But the greedy powerful and rich 2% have stolen the lion's share for themselves, and left the crumbs for the remaining 98% of us who are here.

Jesus said it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven - so there will be few, if any of them, in Heaven - Oh Happy Day!