Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Pastor's Disasters

Well, the shoe is now on the other foot, and the MSM as been somewhat reluctantly forced to expose and examine the rhetoric of John McCain's spiritual advisers, whose endorsements he solicited and pursued for over one year.

Unlike Jeremiah Wright who merely told some inconvenient truths, there has been nothing but delusional, hateful, false theology spewing forth from Rod Parsley and John Hagee, the spiritual icons of McCain and the right-wing Repugnants.

Hagee said among other things, that hurricane Katrina was judgment sent by God to prevent a gay pride parade from happening in New Orleans; then he called the Catholic church the "Great Whore" and apostate false cult system of the anti-Christ; then he said that "Hitler was a 'hunter' sent by God to hunt the Jews from every mountain and rock, and send them back to the land of Palestine......"

Rod Parsley said, among other insanities, that "the US was founded in part, to battle and to destroy the evil religion of Islam...."

Their screed is far more incendiary and worst than anything Rev. Wright ever said, and yet they will not get the endless 24/7 looping on every broadcast medium, and the universal, apoplectic denunciations, that Wright's comments received.

Added to all this, is the spectacle of Hillary Clinton's lust for power melt-down, as she mused ominously, that her staying in the race for the democratic nomination, is due to the possibility of Barack getting assassinated, as was Bobby Kennedy in the month of June.

These are all the lumpenproletariat that the MSM would rather not cover, preferring instead to savage Obama and his choice of spiritual advisor, who spoke the truth, and was also a Marine who served his country honorably.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Who Lied?

I like and admire both Rev. Jeremiah Wright's truthfulness, and Barack Obama's audacity of hope to be the president of the US.

Neither of them is perfect and certainly none of us are either.

I'm saddened that Obama felt he had to distance himself from Wright and his statements, but I understand why he had to do so - he's running for president, and America is not ready to acknowledge inconvenient truths about herself.

I also know that Wright has been saying these inconvenient truths from the pulpit, for the full 20 years that Obama and his family has been members of his Chicago church. So it defies belief, that Obama is only hearing these things for the first time in recent weeks - in other words he lied!

As Rev. Wright said, he's a politician, and has to say the things that will get him elected - so lying about what he heard and when he heard it, proves the point that Rev. Wright made.

I'm saddened that there are somethings in life that some of us may be willing to lie about, in order to gain our broader objectives - so I understand why Obama lied, but very glad that Rev. Wright has chosen to tell the truth all of these years.

Who Hurt Obama???

It's troubling to me that many progressives who normally see through political chicanery, are buying into the hype that Rev. Wright has hurt Obama's campaign for president.

What is being forgotten, is that the MSM was using those edited clips of Wright's sermons, and looping them 24/7 for the last month. It was a savage, libelous, racist attack, and was meant to discredit and hurt Obama by linking him to this 'raving maniac' who had been his pastor for the past 20 yrs. This was only just one of many tools that were marshaled against Obama, in addition to saying he is a Muslim, conflating his name with Osama and with Saadam Hussein etc. - all of this to prevent Obama from getting the dems nod.

Bill Moyer, who is a member of the Riverside church in NY and also of the Church of Christ federation of churches, tried to give him an opportunity to defend himself in the PBS interview, and to dispel the slanderous, racist imagery of him - and most will agree that it was a successful interview and Obama was not hurt by it.

Next, Wright spoke at the Detroit NAACP gala which had been booked over 1 year ago, and again, there was nothing in it that can be said to be hurtful to Obama without deliberately twisting and distorting his words.

Finally, he spoke at the Nat'l Press Club, apparently invited and facilitated by a fellow minister who was also a Hillary Clinton supporter. We all watched it, and whether we agreed with all the things he said, they were truthful and forthright. Yet Obama was pressured to denounce him once again.

Anyone who used his speeches as a justification to withdraw their support from Obama, was looking for an excuse, and had no intention of supporting Obama in the first place. No true supporter who truly wants Obama to be their president, could or would withdraw their support because of what Rev. Wright has said.

Obama has been put in an impossible position of having to denounce Wright, not because of the truth of what Wright said, but because of MSM trickery, cheered on by McShame and Billary. As Wright noted, " he has to distance himself because he is a politician and want's to be president".