Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Thanks to 2 Gods

Thanksgiving is the time of year to express our thanks to God for the blessings of faith, family, health and strength, and all the other blessings of life that we enjoy.

I'm particularly thankful to God for His miraculous intervention on Barack's behalf, where He brought him from being the most unlikely candidate for president, to 'the one' who beat all of the more likely candidates who were ahead of him. This is the God who was able to hear and answer the prayers of millions of Obama's ancestors and supporters, by responding in a miraculous way on his behalf.

I also want to be sure to thank the 'god' of the John McCain and Sarah Palin supporters, who either couldn't hear their prayers, ignored their prayers, or merely decided to punish them by allowing an outcome that they absolutely could not conceive of and did not want. In fact, the TBN gang could barely whisper their usual, "Praise The Lord!". If I was their 'god' I would have also been offended by what many of them prayed for. One of their prominent supporters, James Dobson, who is a leading Evangelical, had the temerity to pray and ask his supporters to pray, that Obama's acceptance speech at the Colorado convention, would be rained out. Others hoped their 'god' would let something unfortunate happen to Obama, to prevent him from winning the presidency. Still others hoped their 'god' would kill him because Sarah Palin said that he 'palled around with terrorists', and was not like what a good [white] American should be.

All these ungodly prayers were being uttered on behalf of two of the worst candidates for president and vice-president, in the history of this country. What an insult it was to a 'god', to have to listen to these kinds of offensive prayers on behalf of two unqualified, unworthy candidates. It's no wonder he or she, either tuned them out, or exacted the ultimate retribution by turning the tables on their requests.

The last thing I am thankful for, is that this election made it abundantly and absolutely clear, that there were and are, two different 'gods' being prayed to. One is the true and living God of many of the Obama supporters, who not only could hear their prayers, but answered in a most convincing and miraculous manner. The other is the false 'god' of the right-wing, and particularly many Evangelicals, who left them high and dry, searching for an explanation of why he failed to grant their most earnest prayers, entreaties and supplications.

Never again should anyone think that just because someone calls himself or herself a Christian, that they are following and praying to the same true and living God. Millions have been unknowingly or secretly following their own false christian god, that finally got exposed this past Nov. 4th.

All thanksgivings to the true and living God.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Where's the Cos.....?

Where's the Cos, when we need him????

The Cos of course is Bill Cosby, who made a small fortune writing a book and making numerous speeches and media appearances, lambasting poor blacks for their deficient English and speaking skills. His payoff besides the money, was the pat on the head from grateful whites and some blacks for his willingness to "tell it like it is" at the expense of blacks who can't defend themselves.

We'll, since the election, there has been no shortage of articles, opinion pieces and essays, about the butchering of the language by Caribou Barbie, better known as Sarah Palin. She has been charitably described as "an air-head with a scrambled brain between her head and her mouth". Her inability to put a coherent sentence together or answer simple questions, made the jobs of comedy writers easier than it had ever been. Her well-publicized ignorance of basic geography, politics, and the world in general, had most shaking their heads in disbelief.

Yet, none of this has stirred Cosby to rise up in indignation and disgust at her lack of the essentials that he was so quick to publicly criticize poor blacks for. Why is this?.. Is it because blacks are an easier, safer target, whereas targeting a stupid, ignorant white woman who happens to be a state governor and who could possibly retaliate, is a risk he's unwilling to accept?... In other words I suspect he is a cowardly opportunist, that genuflects and bows to white dysfunctions and mediocrities, but can't abide the same things among those who happen to look like him.

I am patiently waiting for Cos to apply the same standards that he has set forth for the black poor, to this cartoonish joke of an ex-V.P. candidate, named Sarah Palin, and her pregnant, unwed, high school drop-out daughter.

Of course I don't expect to hear a peep from him unless he can figure out a way to parlay it into a profitable book deal, while avoiding being lynched by many of the rabid and loyal Palin supporters, who also vociferously called for the lynching of Barack Obama.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

"...And Let Them Have Dominion.." Gen. 1:26

The dominion that God mandated is a far cry from the perversion that is practiced by the likes of Palin, Robertson, and Bush and their many evangelical supporters.

Their version calls for subjugation of inferiors, pre-emptive wars, manufacturing and lying about presumed threats to the US, murder and slaughter in the name of their god, illegally occupying another country, 'shock and awe', profiting from war, authorizing and condoning torture, waging war on all social programs that help the least able to help themselves, and opposition to hundreds of health, environmental and safety laws designed to benefit our society. Additionally, one writer said, -

"Dominionism has proved itself to be hooligan in nature. It is Machiavellian to the core. Dominionists take what is not theirs; they grab what belongs to others; they steal from the poor to give to the rich; they bribe; they punish with smears and condemnation. And they win elections at any cost—even at the cost of American democracy. In the end, that is the stated goal of Dominionists—they desire to establish an American Theocracy, where every one of them shall reign as “Theo.”

Where Jesus said to “turn the other cheek,” the Dominionists say, “dominate them; ruin them; run them out of power.” Their philosophy is anti-Christian and anti-Christ to the core. Dominionists have gained extensive control of the Republican Party and the apparatus of government throughout the United States; they continue to operate secretly. Their agenda to undermine all government social programs that assist the poor, the sick, and the elderly is ingeniously disguised under false labels that confuse voters.

Dominionism started with the Gospels and turned the concept of the invisible and spiritual “Kingdom of God” into a literal political empire that could be taken by force, starting with the United States of America. Discarding the original message of Jesus and forgetting that Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world,” the framers of Dominionism boldly presented a Gospel whose purpose was to inspire Christians to enter politics and execute world domination so that Jesus could return to an earth prepared for his earthly rule by his faithful “regents.”

"Dominionism’s purpose is to create theocrats (a Christian class of rulers). But in order to successfully place only certain Christians in positions of power, Dominionism divides Christian believers into classes based upon political ideology and certain hot point issues such as the privatization of Social Security and Medicare, freedom to decide on medical procedures with ones own physician, freedom of the press and freedom of speech, freedom of the arts, and certain rights like the right to a fair trial and protection from governmental intrusion into the privacy of marriage and adult associations.

The Dominionists have lost more American jobs in the last three years than since the days of Herbert Hoover. And now they want to eliminate the minimum wage laws too. America’s unions have helped to create a better life for millions of workers. The Dominionists want to break all unions apart (especially the teacher’s union). As Americans, we love our schools and are proud of our educational system. The Dominionists want to destroy all public education in America and force Americans to be educated in their religious schools. Americans love our culture and the arts. The Dominionists want to destroy that culture."

But God miraculously orchestrated Barack Obama's election, and it appears that He is throwing a monkey-wrench into the plans of these haters of freedom. Judging from the anguished cries and hand-wringing from their supporters, It appears that their attempt to sneak Palin/McCain across the finish line to continue Bush's dominionist reign, has been derailed, at least for now - All praises be to our God.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

2008 - Post Election Notes

It's always interesting to look back and see how Obama won the race...

- Approx. 208 million Americans were eligible, and 133 million voted - 33% more than the 100 million who voted in 2004. This might be the largest turnout in history - largely because of Obama's presence as the Democratic standard bearer.

- Of the 27 million Blacks who were eligible to vote, 17 million or 63% voted

- Obama got 95% of the Black vote; 62% of the Asian vote; 67% of the Latino vote; and 43% of the White vote

Although McCain had negatives going in, such as his age and uncertain health, one of his biggest mistakes was picking Sarah Palin as his running mate, which was widely regarded as a desperate 'hail mary pass' in football parlance. The other was their tremendous amount of racist and unpatriotic negative ads and campaign speeches targeting Obama - none of these were effective enough to beat Obama, although they fired-up his rabid, racist base.

Palin will always be remembered as the winking, smirking, dimwit, who did not know which were the 3 countries in NAFTA (America, Canada and Mexico); did not know that Africa was a continent made up of 40+ independent countries; did not know that So. Africa was one of these countries located in the southern part of the continent of Africa, rather than just merely located in the southern portion of the country of Africa; was said by McCain "to be the most knowledgeable person in the country on energy matters"; and said of herself, "that she had security and defense experience because she could see Russia from Alaska".

The supreme comeuppance experienced by McCain, was that he voted against establishing a national holiday in memory of the slain African-American, Martin Luther King, and yesterday he lost the race for president to a man who just happens to be African-American, Barack Obama.

McCain and his base probably will remain crazily trapped in their delusion that Obama is a Muslim, while simultaneously accusing him of having attended a Christian Church pastored by Rev. Wright for over 20 years, and Palin will go back to Alaska, cross the political 'bridge to nowhere', and keep an eye on Russia to protect us and keep us safe - good riddance to both of them.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Win By God For Man

"....and he doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth and in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will...." Dan. 4:25,35

Not only did God move the chess pieces of history, but He did it in a most amazing way - He took the seed of a pure black African man, and united it with the egg of a white woman mixed with European and Native American ancestry. From this union was born Barack Obama, an African-American, who was able to put together the best presidential campaign in the history of the world, and to withstand the most vicious and racist opposition in the primaries as well as the campaign, to become the next president of the United States.

Along the way were millions of Americans who were brought here as slaves or came here as immigrants, who worked, sacrificed, bled and died, while looking forward to this day ordained by God.

I, along with millions of others, never thought we would ever see a black president in our lifetimes, but this just proves that God's plans are way beyond anything man can think or imagine.

We have now been given another chance to make right what has been wrong, and to make amends to those we have wronged - we better take this chance and make the most of it.

And in the end, Palin and McCain did not fool me or many others one bit, they confirmed that they were the nastiest, fear-mongering, guilt-by-association, racist pigs that we thought they were - with lipstick, and we rejected them with a landslide vote for Obama.

As the 'Australian' news elegantly said, - "It is a sublime moment - Barack Obama to succeed George W. Bush, an affirmation of America, its foundation mission, its abiding dreams."

"The American people have turned the page. This is more than a vote for change. It is a act of renewal, a turning point in American history and a quest for a better nation.

The American people chose Obama yet most of the world also wanted Obama - that invests his Presidency with a potential authority unknown in history and an opportunity to touch not just Americans but people around the world."