Friday, October 09, 2009

A Noble Effort Reaped A Nobel Prize

What a week this has been, just a few days ago President Obama flew to Europe to make a personal appeal to the Olympic committee to award the 2016 games to America, and specifically to his hometown of Chicago. You would think that all Americans would have applauded his attempt to sway them in favor of our country. But not the rabid conservative right-wing, who frothed with their collective mouths and railed at him for "leaving his pressing duties here to make the trip there." So it was not too surprising when the committee awarded the games to a country and a continent that never had it before, Brazil and So. America, that the wackos erupted in an orgy of celebration that Obama had failed in his attempt to bring the games here.

These are the same hypocrites that like to trumpet their patriotism and alleged love of country at every drop of the hat - they are as phony as their family value pretensions that has been consistently getting exposed of late, as news of a string of their adulterous relationships has been popping up almost non-stop. But they see no disconnect in their apparent lack of patriotism and even less of family values, from the virtues they pretend to have.

The repugs disgraceful display of glee at what they viewed as a European 'snub' of Obama, was topped today when we all awoke to the fantastic news that President Obama had been awarded the most prestigious of all awards, the Nobel Peace Prize. The world body apparently viewed Obama's fledgling peace efforts to have been so significant and important, that they chose him above other worthy candidates, to bestow this ultimate honor for his efforts. This was a pleasant surprise to most of the 70 million who voted for Obama, but it was a day of mourning, outrage, and apoplectic angst for millions of his detractors, including most of the MSM, who are supposed to just report the news, not make it. Leading the charge, was the black, figure-head chairman of the Repugnants, Michael Steele, who reportedly had this to say -

Says Steele: “The real question Americans are asking is, ‘What has President Obama actually accomplished?’ It is unfortunate that the President’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights. One thing is certain - President Obama won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.”

This is the bile and swill that came out of this fool's mouth on the very day that the 1st black president in the history of this country was honored. His reaction is even more onerous than that of the real hardcore racists who inhabit every inch of this party, and who reacted with predictable outrage and disdain - what a pitiful piece of human waste and a Sambo, Steele has shown himself to be.

Well, the world is way more appreciative of Obama's extraordinary dedication to the principals of international diplomacy and to the cause of peace for the preservation of this planet. His many hate-filled opponents are so brain-dead, that they can't even understand and appreciate, that the award was bestowed on President Obama on behalf of ALL the American people.

The world peace body has spoken with this award, and has simultaneously sent a message of approval of our new President, and a rebuke and thumbs-down to the previous administration which lawlessly detained and tortured others, and illegally eavesdropped on many of us for most of 8 years.

Congratulations, President Obama!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Reprise: Is the Coz 'Truth-Telling' Again???

I'm not into self-anointed, celebrity 'truth-telling' pundits like Cosby, who make money from white folks (book deals, speaking engagements) by bashing poor blacks who have not yet pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. I believe that whenever our dysfunctions are discussed publicly, the corresponding context leading up to and enabling this dysfunction must be discussed as well - Cosby never mentions the context of our historical and ongoing debasement in America (like the sick, racist attacks on President Obama that demeans us all) - If he's going to be a 'truth-teller', then he should tell the whole truth, each time!

And I remind folks that his own personal sexual misconduct over the years (what's his excuse?), also diminishes the credibility of his 'bully-pulpit', in my eyes.....basically his comments are an example of the shameless self-aggrandisement's of a 72 yr. old, aging, has-been entertainer, that still craves the limelight, and will say and do anything to stay in it.

The context of the dysfunction of the "lower classes", is the deliberate destruction of the working class and the middle class for the sake of profits. The so-called 'lower classes' do not benefit by Cosby and his ilk bashing them (to the amusement of white folks who love his tirades) - What has been accomplished for this 'lower class' since Cosby uttered his first tirade in 2004? - exactly nothing!....In fact things have gotten worse since then, and will continue to do so.

So I see him as a shameless opportunist, saying the right things and getting 'amens' from like-minded, star-struck sheep, while knowing nothing is going to change for the values of the those he is dissing, without jobs, employment, education, healthcare, housing, and a sincerely dedicated effort to change their lives and outlooks.

He should be speaking truth to power along with his tirades, but he is too cowardly to bite the hands that feed him. His disingenuous tirades ignores the contexts, and takes the focus off the real culprits, the capitalists (including those at BET) who value profits over people (particularly over black folks) and their betterment.