Wednesday, August 23, 2006

....'and The Floods Came....and the Damage Stayed!

The anniversary of the Katrina debacle is approaching, and it is becoming clearer to me that the city of New Orleans was the victim of 'benign neglect', and probably criminal neglect as well. The question of who is responsible at the local, state, and federal levels is still being debated, and culpability has been routinely shifted or denied altogether. Thousands have died and the majority of the survivors are still dispersed, because the promises to rebuild have not been kept and the funds to rebuild have not been released. I wonder if what happened was not part of a sinister master urban renewal plan to change the racial demographics of the city, abetted by the certainty that inadequate maintenance of the dikes and levies, would eventually result in the catastrophe that eventually did happen. Meanwhile billions are still being funneled to the Middle East, and most recently, promises have even been made to provide funds to rebuild Lebanon - while New Orleans still waits, and waits, ....and waits!

Unlike the floods of Noah's day, which was Divine punishment sent on the inhabitants of the earth, this flood did not have to happen and the lives lost, could have been saved. Those that are responsible will have to answer to the same God who sent the first flood. The difference is, this time, "..the Fire Next Time" will be their punishment!

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