Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hurtle in Myrtle

The 'Hurtle in Myrtle", just like the "Rumble in the Jungle" of old, was the bruising primary fight in So. Carolina that Obama just won big, but may have ultimately lost, because he was solidly and effectively tarred and smeared as the 'black' candidate.

Billary (Bill and Hillary), deliberately set out, in the lead-in to the SC primary, to accomplish two things: bring Obama down from the 'Change' pedestal above the mean streets of the fray Obama had set himself on, by goading him until he cracked, as he finally did during the debate in Myrtle Beach.

Thus, Obama became just another politician, not the shining symbol of 'Hope' he started out to be, and he was now fair game.

Then, Bill needed to break Obama's wise tactic of carefully framing himself as a candidate for 'All' the people, not just as an 'African American' candidate. Again, by attacking Obama as viciously as he did, Bill alienated the African Americans who might have voted for the Clinton co-candidacy, resulting in the landslide for Obama.

Canny politician that he is, Bill knew that the landslide aspect of the vote in SC would be seen as a racial vote, and would further polarize the electorate (especially the White and Latino voters in other states), who will now see Obama's victory in SC as purely racial.

Since there are far fewer Black, than White and Latino voters nationwide, Obama's chances of winning the Dems nod, are now diminished even further.

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