Saturday, April 23, 2011

Finally Justice

As I write this I'm reminded that as I approach age 70, I'm much closer to the end of my life here, than to the beginning.

Most people dread the certainty of dying. Not me. I'm looking forward to the next life which I have every reason to believe and expect, will be far superior to this one - not even close!

Besides waiting anxiously to see and be re-united with my parents and the many family and friends who have already gone on before, I'm anxious to get the answers about this life that were either deliberately withheld or obscured, or were beyond my ability to comprehend and understand. Most of all I look forward to living eternally under a righteous King who is all just, all powerful, all knowing - no more compromised justice, no more compromised rights and wrongs, no more abuses by the rich and powerful, no more racism, no more war and dying, no more tyranny of the majority, and finally, those who escaped being brought to justice in this life, will get the justice that should have been meted out to them, but wasn't.

The worse part about this life, was and is, the inequity and inequality that is accepted as the norm and considered as fair and just. It's particularly bad in this country because there is so much available - enough for everyone to have a satisfactory life with plenty to eat and all needs taken care of. But the greedy powerful and rich 2% have stolen the lion's share for themselves, and left the crumbs for the remaining 98% of us who are here.

Jesus said it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven - so there will be few, if any of them, in Heaven - Oh Happy Day!

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