Wednesday, November 07, 2012

What God Has Wrought

Well, one of the nastiest, dirtiest, most racist, election seasons has ended, and the 'close' horse-race that the media predicted, proved not nearly as close as they had been saying.

Despite the lies, the hate, the attempted suppression of the votes and all the racist evil the Republicans threw at Obama, God blocked them and installed him as the President of the U.S., once again...." till thou know that The Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will" - Dan. 4:25

Some Conservatives foresaw the hole they were digging for themselves with their "legitimate rape" comments, and their racist "birther" comments, their anti-choice comments, etc. - all of which the amoral Romney embraced and never saw fit to distance himself from.

One of the many reasons that the conservative movement is now in such deep trouble, is that those who were wrong in how they conducted themselves with their full-blown racist, regressive, lying comments and actions, will suffer no consequences, and those conservatives who knew the truth and restrained themselves as civilized humans should, will receive no benefits.

But as focused, loathsome, and determined as they were to seize power by any means necessary and make Obama a one-term President, they forgot that the God they claim to love was not fooled by their false piety, and always has the first and last word in the kingdom of men - this election was no exception. 

What ultimately undid Romney was his love of money, which was at the "root of all the evil" that he directed at Bain Capital and other companies that he destroyed, along with the lives of their workers. His sordid past caught up with him during his campaigning.

Now he can spend his time counting his money deposited in hidden, off-shore bank accounts, in places like the Caymans, and other locales where those of his ilk hide their ill-gotten loot. But every cent stolen from the wages and retirement funds of employees that were displaced, will be accounted for in the judgement he must face.

God always has the last word!

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