Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How Big is Your God ???

Mine is pretty big.....not to mention all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere at once, having no beginning nor ending, and having such a keen interest in me, that each of the hairs on my head has been meticulously numbered by Him.

I'm aware that some have their own unique belief and concept of a god - others don't even believe in a god, and still others certainly don't believe in one who is bigger or smarter than they are. On the other hand, some like me, believe in a personal, engaged God, with Whom we have a personal, 24/7 relationship, and on Whom we depend for the very air we breathe, the sunlight we see by, and the water that sustains us, among everything else.

That being said, early this morning, I was struck by the thought that my God foresaw, foreknew, and created, my ancestral links that would snake across many continents, over many centuries, and eventually lead to me at this very moment in time and space as I'm writing these words. The thought of the enormity of the planning process necessary to produce and sustain me with all my faults and strengths to this very moment, is earth-shattering and mind-blowing.

I can't even begin to wrap my mind around what this all means - but I'm grateful and elated at the knowledge, that all the details had been worked out and put into place, long before time began.

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