Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Iraq: WTF is Going On?!"

My buddy 'Nezet, Prophet of the Surreal', stopped by and gave his view of the war in Iraq and our political parties: -

"Frankly, I don't think either party has a plan (why I'm an avowed 'Independent' now...and will pine and work towards having multiple parties in future elections..this two-party nonsense might've worked at one time, though I doubt it...but it fails miserably in our times now for sure IMHO). I don't think the Republicans nor the Democrats have a freaking clue or a plan! Whatever plan there might've been changes like the seasons...and is being left to the next administration to "clean up"...nice legacy there Dubya (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.)!

I want to see logic and critical thinking from our so-called leaders...not the crap we get now....that is filtered by handlers, political 'consultants' and media advisers...and American men and women are dying daily (not to mention the Iraqi wounded and dead). The more that continues to leak out of the lack of Pentagon planning and Dubya's administrative gaffes at thinking that war is going to be a piece of cake...did they not read a smidgen of the reports of the Vietnam experience? This is not some glorified WWI or WWII operation...times have changed...the "enemy" (however defined) has changed...troops don't line up in nice rows and engage on some field
of battle. Iraq is now a war zone for years to come. And I'm really trying to understand how this operation is serving to lessen/damper international terrorism and Islamic fascism. The logic is that "we'll fight them over there so they won't come over here"....they're probably already here. And our borders are sieves from every report I see....illegals still get in daily.

This is beyond politics (if that's even possible to have a discussion/debate in this country anymore without some political angle)...I fear we have created enemies and sheet that will go on for our grandchildren to battle and die for. This whole "let's go to war" mentality just escapes me (in my reality, the folks that parrot this line haven't seen any parts of combat in their life....and none, to a person, wants their kids to go...but someone else's....by all means).

Makes one pine for the "good ol" days when we (the American government) sent in the CIA and we had covert ops assassinate a dictator or destabilized the offending government with operatives. As I was talking to an ex-Marine buddy one day, "You mean we couldn't set-up a "kill" of Saddam if that was the objective?" He explained that would've been do-able and would have spared the mess we have now. 3700+ American soldiers dead, a multiple of four or five of that number that are disfigured/maimed for life, and who knows how many Iraqi civilians are dead/wounded? I'm not getting this "war" at all. Then again, I know some folks who still think this all has something to do with 9/11 (ummmm...the hijackers were mostly, if not all, Saudis).

Just sad and such a waste of human lives. And if what we're seeing now is "The Plan"...it sucks, isn't working and goes to show how deluded we as a populous have become. Going into our fifth year of this crap...this is success? But like Tom Skerrit's character in "Top Gun" remarked, "I'm not going to blow sunshine up your asshole.." (or something like that)...and as long as Americans can go about their jobs, their families and the Starbucks has the lattes at the ready..... everything is okay."

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