Thursday, November 05, 2009

Achieving 'Scum Bag' Status

One dictionary defines "scum-bag" as, "a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible..."

Among others, I would include the following right-wing blacks in this category - Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Juan Williams, Shelby Steele, Michael Steele, Kenneth Blackwell, Larry Elder, Armstrong Williams, Ken Hamblin, Roy Innis, Alan Keyes, Star Parker, Condoleeza Rice, Janice Rogers brown, Stephan Frazier, Rev. Jesse Lee name just a few...

Some say, "These guys don't really mean this stuff, and they are just saying and writing these things to get a paycheck." - I say if this is true, then they are worst than paid 'hos, and should apologize to the honest whores.

Others say, "Yes, they really mean this stuff deep down in their souls and heart of hearts" - if this is true, then I say they are traitors to our race, and no better than other traitors to our country.

So if they just vary from being 'dishonest' at best, and being 'traitorous' at worst, you can readily see how they have achieved this dubious distinction....

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