Saturday, September 02, 2006

.....Are They Wicked, Just Evil , or......??

The dictionary defines Wicked, as evil or morally bad in principle or practice. Evil is defined as morally wrong or causing ruin, injury, pain, misfortune or destruction.

Who do these words apply to? Do they apply to....

..those who lied about our need to pre-emptively attack and occupy Iraq because of the supposed presence of WMDs, and imminent threat of our being attacked with them?

..those who illegally seized the natural resources of the sovereign nation of Iraq while killing over 100,000 Iraqi citizens, and being responsible for the deaths of over 2,600 of our own soldiers and the wounding of over 20,000 of them?

..those who planned and facilitated Israel's attack and destruction of Lebanon, with the loss of over 1,100 mostly civilian lives (one-third children), over 4,000 wounded, the displacement of over 1,000,000 persons from their homes and villages, and over $3 billion in damages to the infrastructure?

..those who made it possible for an Iranian-backed theocracy to be established in Iraq, and a victorious Iranian-backed Hezbollah to grow stronger in Lebanon?

..those who illegally used funds in Iraq that had been appropriated for Afghanistan?

..those who leaked the identity of an undercover CIA agent?

..those who were derelict by neglecting the issues of global warming, domestic and worldwide hunger, AIDS, advance warnings of the impending 9-11 attacks, advance warnings of the impending Katrina catastrophe?

..those who question the loyalty and patriotism of American citizens who oppose our foreign and domestic policies?

..those who 'smear' dissenting citizens as aiding, abetting and appeasing our enemies?

..those who had the motivation, opportunity and the resources to pull off a 9/11, and did so for profit and political gain?

Which of these words apply, BOTH of them apply, ...or do none of them apply?

Are our leaders simply honest, well-intentioned politicians, doing the best they can for our country, or could they be guilty of the wickedness and the evils listed above???

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