Monday, September 04, 2006

Who, What, When, Why and How?

I get so tired and frustrated at trying to learn the real truth - the Who, What, When, Why and How of news items as they unfold. Each news source seems to have it's own bias and political spin. Can I trust Fox's "fair and balanced news", or should I trust Reuter's or AP's version to give me the truth? Is the NY Times more credible than the Washington Post or the Christian Science Monitor? Which sources should I trust and when should I trust them?? Lately it has occurred to me, that I no longer have to agonize over whose truth is more credible and worthy of being believed. The reason is, the Creator God, knows for sure, what the truth is, and who did what, when, why and how? Furthermore, He is the only one empowered to reward or punish the news maker according to His Divine standards and attributes, among which are Holiness, Justice, Immutability, Omniscience, and Omnipotence, just to name a few.
And because He knows, then I don't have to know everything for sure. In fact, I could not humanly process all the bits and gradations of information that apply to each news item, anyway. From now on, when I see a news item about which I would like to know the 'real' truth, I'll be reminded to rely on the One whose absolute knowledge includes ALL of the 'who, what, when, why and how' information.

For starters, - who really attacked the World Trade Center, and who aided and abetted the attack? Did the impact of the planes result in the collapse of the towers and the deaths of thousands, or did the towers collapse by other means?

I have hundreds of other questions.....this is just the beginning.

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