Monday, September 04, 2006

Equality, Fairness, Justice or Terror?

In the 60s, the courts could no longer ignore the demonstrations and the pressures from those who were demanding racial equality after 400 years of slavery and jim crow segregation. Rather than mandating the equality that was being sought, the courts settled on affirmative action as a stop-gap measure to release the pressures on them to do something positively. (We demanded equality but affirmative action was better than nothing!) Less than 40 years later, California, among several other states, has rolled back its affirmative action laws, and retreated from it's initial commitments to fairness. They could not even stay committed to their own imperfect but effective system, and already they have retreated from this stab at equity for the disenfranchised. Likewise nationally, wherever and whenever the commitments to justice and fairness are retreated from or denied, eventually the rights of ALL citizens are impacted. This can now be clearly seen in the rollback of our historic, constitutional rights due to the outrageously expensive, alleged 'war on terror', that our leaders insist that we have to fight.
Rather than a commitment to a war on terror, my solution would be a national and international commitment to the fight for justice, equity and fairness for ALL oppressed peoples around the world. If and when this is done, the 'terrorists' will have less grievances and a sense of powerlessness, that drives them to the 'terror' we are trying to fight and prevent.

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